常见于机构领域 ,和军事相关。中文意思为:“焊接工”。
- 英文缩写:Wldr
- 英语全称: welder
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:焊接工
- 中文拼音:hàn jiē gōng
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:军事
- The welder(Wldr) bent to his work with determination.
- 这个焊工决心集中全力工作。
- The welding time and weld quality is guaranteed by international purchased welder(Wldr).
- 采用国外引进焊机确保钢带焊接时间和焊接质量。
- Compact, portable welder(Wldr) with invert technology.
- 采用了变极器技术的小型便携式焊机。
- This paper, based on analyzing the process of Cu-Al pipe butt welding, discussed the design of the executive system and control system for PLC controlled Cu-Al pipe butt welder(Wldr).
- 在分析了铜铝管焊接工(Wldr)艺过程的基础上,重点论述了铜铝管对焊机执行系统和控制系统的设计。
- A new fashioned special seam welder(Wldr) for welding the stainless steel band on the rail surface was developed successfully.
- 研制了一种新型的钢轨表面不锈钢带专用缝焊机。
英文缩写词 Wldr 的含义,不止“welder”一个。
- AM-1210 Kingsley, Michigan; FM-101.9, Traverse City, Michigan 缩写成 “WLDR”. 中文意思是:AM-1210 金斯利,密歇根州; FM-101.9,密歇根州特拉弗斯城