
“Coffee to the People”经常缩写成CTTP,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于综合领域 ,和食品和营养相关。


Coffee to the People : 咖啡给人们

Coffee to the People具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CTTP
  2. 英语全称: Coffee to the People
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:咖啡给人们
  7. 中文拼音:kā fēi gěi rén men
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:食品和营养


  1. They climbed into the open cockpit, stowed their sandwiches and coffee, and waved to the people seeing them off.
  2. 他们爬进了敞式座舱,把三明治和咖啡收藏好,向送行的人挥手致意。
  3. Zip spokesman Nick Taylor said : ' Most workers need a cup of tea or coffee to get them through the day and most people could instantly define themselves as either a tea or coffee drinker.
  4. Zip的发言人说:大部分的员工都需要一杯咖啡或者一杯茶来帮助他们完成一天的工作,因此很多人能够很快地将自己定义为喜欢喝咖啡的人或者喜欢喝茶的人。
  5. Drinking coffee is starting to become a big trend for the young people of China.
  6. 对于中国年轻人而言,喝咖啡正在成为一个趋势。
  7. We're moving more towards a cafe culture, but I don't think that coffee is necessarily affecting the market to the detriment of tea people are just buying different types of tea.
  8. 我们正向咖啡文化迈进,但我并不认为咖啡必然损害茶饮市场人们只是买不同种类的茶饮。
  9. So he suddenly got the idea of putting images on the top of the coffee, and hoped that this would attract more customers to try the coffee, and allow more people to understand and enjoy coffee.
  10. 于是,他突发奇想,在咖啡的表面做了许多图案,他希望这种做法能够吸引顾客品尝咖啡,从而让更多的人了解咖啡、喜爱咖啡。


英文缩写词 CTTP 的含义,不止“Coffee to the People”一个。




  1. Childhood Trauma Treatment Program 缩写成 “CTTP”. 中文意思是:儿童创伤治疗计划


  1. Certified Tennessee Tourism Professional 缩写成 “CTTP”. 中文意思是:田纳西州旅游专业认证


  1. Center for Training Transportation Professionals 缩写成 “CTTP”. 中文意思是:交通专业人才培训中心
  2. Crash the Tea Party 缩写成 “CTTP”. 中文意思是:撞毁茶会
  3. Central Texas Turnpike Project 缩写成 “CTTP”. 中文意思是:德克萨斯州中部收费公路项目


  1. California Tribal TANF Partnership 缩写成 “CTTP”. 中文意思是:加利福尼亚部落TANF伙伴关系

