
“Continued Quality Improvement”经常缩写成CQI,以便快捷书写、使用。

常见于医学领域 ,和英国医学相关。


Continued Quality Improvement : 持续质量改进

Continued Quality Improvement具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CQI
  2. 英语全称: Continued Quality Improvement
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:持续质量改进
  7. 中文拼音:chí xù zhì liàng gǎi jìn
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:英国医学


  1. Implementing key monitoring, adopt the interior control standards in an all-round way from production operation to supervising and checking, carrying out strict management and checking, and continued develop the quality improvement and the activity of tackling key problems in technique, thus improving the plate quality
  2. 从生产操作到监督检验全面采用内控标准,进行严格管理和考核;持续开展质量改进和技术攻关等一系列活动,从而有效地控制了钢板的质量
  3. An effective monitoring system provides assurance of the continued capability of processes and controls to meet product quality and to identify areas for continual improvement.
  4. 有效的监测体系提供工艺和控制持续的能力以满足产品质量,并确定持续改进的地方。
  5. Urbanization refers to the various elements of the continued concentration in the rural towns, including the increased urban population, the number of cities and towns, the increasing size, quality, and the continuous improvement process.
  6. 城镇化是指各种要素不断在农村城镇中集聚,城镇人口不断增多,城镇数量、规模不断增大,质量不断提高的过程。
  7. By continued quality management of hospital infection, which is based on overall quality management, is meant the conduction of process management and essential factor management of hospital infection in medical work, maintenance of incessant hospital infection control and improvement of hospital infection control quality.
  8. 医院感染持续性质量管理是在全面质量管理基础上,对医疗工作进行医院感染过程管理和要素管理,保持不间断地医院感染监控,以提高医院感染控制质量。


英文缩写词 CQI 的含义,不止“Continued Quality Improvement”一个。




  1. Clinical Quality Improvement 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:临床质量改进
  2. Continuous Quality Improvement 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:持续质量改进
  3. Continuing Quality Improvement 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:持续质量改进
  4. Consultation Quality Index 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:咨询质量指标


  1. Copi Quik, Inc. 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:Copi Quik公司
  2. Copi Quik Inc 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:科比奎克公司
  3. Chartered Quality Institute 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:特许质量协会


  1. Channel Quality Indicator 缩写成 “CQI”. 中文意思是:信道质量指标

