
“Real-time Streaming Protocol”经常缩写成RTSP,以便快捷书写、使用。



Real-time Streaming Protocol : 实时流协议

Real-time Streaming Protocol具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RTSP
  2. 英语全称: Real-time Streaming Protocol
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实时流协议
  7. 中文拼音:shí shí liú xié yì
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络


  1. The paper introduces real-time streaming protocol, probes into the method of applying RTSP to VOD system for the characteristics that media files in distributed VOD system are divided into sub-files and store in different playing servers, and a solution scheme is put forward.
  2. 介绍实时流协议(RTSP)(RTSP),针对分布式视频点播(VOD)中媒体文件分块存储在不同播放服务器的特点,探讨RTSP协议如何应用于分布式VOD系统,提出一种解决方案。
  3. The Utilization of Real-time Streaming Protocol(RTSP) in Distributed Video - on-Demand System
  4. 分布式VOD系统中RTSP协议的应用
  5. RTSP ( Real-Time Streaming Protocol ) provide the control of the session and user command to interact with the server.
  6. 实时流协议(RTSP)(Real-timeStreamingProtocol)为用户和服务器之间提供交互命令,控制媒体流的传输。
  7. A client accesses to the service for the purpose of receiving previously stored process acquisition data under the form of media stream, the interaction between a MoD server and MoD client is based on the Real-time Streaming Protocol(RTSP) suited to measurement.
  8. MoD服务器和MoD客户之间的交互作用基于适于测量的实时流协议(RTSP)。
  9. Real-time Transport Protocol ( RTP ) and Real Time Streaming Protocol ( RTSP ) are protocols to be use transport digital multi-media streaming.
  10. 使用多媒体数据流的传输协议、实时传输协议(RTP)和实时流协议(RTSP)(RTSP)实现了这一技术。


英文缩写词 RTSP 的含义,不止“Real-time Streaming Protocol”一个。




  1. Research Triangle Schools Partnership 缩写成 “RTSP”. 中文意思是:三角研究学校伙伴关系


  1. Random Table Synchronous Player 缩写成 “RTSP”. 中文意思是:随机表同步播放器


  1. Real Time Streaming Policy 缩写成 “RTSP”. 中文意思是:实时流策略


  1. Real Time Streaming Protocol 缩写成 “RTSP”. 中文意思是:实时流协议

