“Together To the Top”经常缩写成TTTT,以便快捷书写、使用。
Together To the Top具体释义
- 英文缩写:TTTT
- 英语全称: Together To the Top
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:一起到顶端
- 中文拼音:yī qǐ dào dǐng duān
- 常用领域:计算机
- 相关:游戏
- The two have invested in racehorses together, including Comma to the Top, which they bought for $ 22,000 and which had career earnings of more than $ 1.3m.
- 这两人曾一起投资于赛马,比如他们以2.2万美元买入了CommatotheTop,这匹马在比赛中赚到了逾130万美元。
- His South Korean maid servant and I will get together to chat, I would like them to the top floor of what was happening, and know better than the master is also clear.
- 他的韩国女佣和我的佣人也就聚在一起聊天,我想他们对顶楼发生了些什么事,知道得比主人还清楚。
- The prefab construction, which has 19 atriums which are each 10 metres tall, is also environmentally friendly, claims the developer, as large sections were put together at another location and taken to the building site to be stacked on top of each other.
- 总共有19个中庭,每个10米高。开发商说,这座大厦还是环境友好型的,因为每个模块都是在另一个地方事先组装好的,然后运到现场一个一个的堆放上去。
- Food critics, writers and long-term foreign residents in Asia, among others, voted on a list of restaurants pulled together over a six-month nomination period, considering cuisine, style, value and overall buzz, to select the top 101.
- 这101家最佳餐厅,是由美食评论家、作家以及长期居住在亚洲的外籍人士耗费半年时间,综合考虑美食、风格、价值以及整体评价,最后得出来的结论。
- This technique together with some other generalized linear inversion methods have been used to downward continuation of potential field data from an arbitrary surface to the top of sources, producing satisfactory results.
- 将这种广义反演技术用于位场从任意曲面向下延拓到源顶面,给出了较好的结果。
英文缩写词 TTTT 的含义,不止“Together To the Top”一个。
- Test Tube Torcher Test 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:试管扭转试验
- These Things Take Time 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:这些事情需要时间
- Tyes Top Tour and Travel 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:泰斯顶级旅游
- To Tell The Truth 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:说实话
- The Texas Time Trials 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:德州时间试验
- Transition Transport Tribe of Tomorrow 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:明天的过渡运输部落
- To Touch The Tongue 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:触摸舌头
- Ta Ta Till Then 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:塔塔直到那时
- Tell The Truth TTTT These 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:说实话TTTT这些
- Too Tired to Type 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:太累了不能打字
- The Texas Time 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:德克萨斯时间
- to trust tough titties 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:相信艰难的头衔
- Tackling Tough Times Together 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:共同应对艰难时期
- Too Tired To Text 缩写成 “TTTT”. 中文意思是:太累了不能发短信了