“Rim of the Pacific”经常缩写成RIMPAC,以便快捷书写、使用。
Rim of the Pacific具体释义
- 英文缩写:RIMPAC
- 英语全称: Rim of the Pacific
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:环太平洋军事演习
- 中文拼音:huán tài píng yáng jūn shì yǎn xí
- 常用领域:地域
- 相关:
- But even if the upward trend continues, a majority of the coming earthquakes will take place on the Pacific Rim, the area around the edge of the Pacific Ocean, according to a statement published by the earthquake administration.
- 国家地震局发表声明称,即使强震较多的现象可能还会持续,但大多数地震将发生在环太平洋地震带。
- ' There is a lot of resentment of the fact that the Chinese cannot compete with foreign auto makers, ' said Greg Anderson, chief executive of political risk and business strategy consultancy Pacific Rim Advisors, and author of a recent book on China's auto industry.
- 政治风险和商业战略咨询公司PacificRimAdvisors的首席执行长安德森(GregAnderson)说,很多人对中国车企无法同外国汽车制造商竞争的事实存有不满。
- The killer robots of ' Pacific Rim ' were no match for the diminutive yellow minions of ' Despicable Me 2 ' at the box office over the weekend.
- 上周末的票房大战中,《环太平洋》(PacificRim)里的那群机器人杀手败给了《神偷奶爸2》(DespicableMe2)中那些黄色小个子喽罗。
英文缩写词 RIMPAC 的含义,不止“Rim of the Pacific”一个。
- Pacific Rim Military Exercises 缩写成 “RIMPAC”. 中文意思是:环太平洋军事演习