
“Light Quantum Efficiency”经常缩写成LQE,以便快捷书写、使用。



Light Quantum Efficiency : 光量子效率

Light Quantum Efficiency具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LQE
  2. 英语全称: Light Quantum Efficiency
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:光量子效率
  7. 中文拼音:guāng liàng zǐ xiào lǜ
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:物理学


  1. High ammonium stress significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, actual light quantum efficiency ( F PSII ) and maximum energy conversion efficiency ( Fv / Fm ), but increase initial fluorescence ( F0 ).
  2. 高铵胁迫降低了小麦幼苗光合速率、气孔导度、蒸腾速率、实际光量子效率(LQE)(FPSII)和最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm),但提高了初始荧光值(Fo)。
  3. In this paper, several methods of developing light quantum efficiency are discussed such as lessening size of TiO_2 crystal and modifying its structure and assist-photocatalysis.
  4. 本文主要从提高光量子效率(LQE)着手,用改变TiO2的晶体结构、TiO2的晶体改性及外加物质辅助光催化等方法,分析提高光催化降解性能的途径。
  5. Application of TiO_2 for photocatalytic degradation of Biorefractory of organic compounds has its special superiority. It's photo catalytic degradation efficiency is mainly related to light quantum efficiency.
  6. TiO2半导体作为光催化剂降解难降解有机污染物有其独特的优势,它的光解效率与光量子效率(LQE)有很大的关系。
  7. The Monte Carlo method was adopted to develop an imaging model. The photon counting images were obtained by the simulations. Furthermore, the time, light intensity and quantum efficiency of the device were changed to observe the effects on the simulation results.
  8. 采用蒙特卡洛方法建立成像仿真模型,通过仿真获得了光子计数图像,分析了时间、光照强度和器件量子效率对成像结果的影响。
  9. Photocatalytic materials, however, there has been the problems of low quantum efficiency and low light energy utilization. To improve the utilization of visible light and the quantum efficiency is the aim of the research of photocatalytic technology.
  10. 但是,光催化材料一直存在光能利用率低和量子效率低的问题,所以提高可见光的利用率和量子效率一直是光催化技术的研究目标。


英文缩写词 LQE 的含义,不止“Light Quantum Efficiency”一个。




  1. Lasers and Quantum Electronics 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:激光和量子电子学


  1. Liquid Enlightenment 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:液体启示
  2. Leadership for Quality Education 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:素质教育领导


  1. Linear Quadratic Estimator 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:线性二次估计
  2. Link Quality Estimation 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:链路质量估计
  3. Lorraine Qualité Environnement 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:洛林质量环境
  4. Lazard Quantitative Equity 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:拉扎德定量股票
  5. Land Quality Endorsement 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:土地质量背书
  6. Lifecycle Query Engine 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:生命周期查询引擎
  7. Liberty Quest Enterprises 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:自由探索企业
  8. Linear Quadratic Equation 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:线性二次方程
  9. Linear Quadratic Exponential 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:线性二次指数


  1. Line Quality Engineering 缩写成 “LQE”. 中文意思是:线路质量工程

