
“Supply Network Operations”经常缩写成SNO,以便快捷书写、使用。



Supply Network Operations : 供应网络运营

Supply Network Operations具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SNO
  2. 英语全称: Supply Network Operations
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:供应网络运营
  7. 中文拼音:gōng yìng wǎng luò yùn yíng
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:网络


  1. The communication power supply is a prerequisite for the communications network operations, so the reliability of communication power supply system is a decisive factor for communications network security.
  2. 通信电源是通信网络运行的前提条件,通信电源的可靠性是通信网络安全的决定性因素。
  3. This paper analyze the inventory management status and multi-level inventory management of the electricity coal supply chain, and uses the complex systems theory to design the network operations structure of electricity coal supply chain. ( 2 ) Model method.
  4. 论文的主要研究方法有:(1)理论研究方法:本文对电煤供应链的库存管理现状和多级库存管理进行分析,运用复杂系统的理论设计出电煤供应链的网络运行结构。
  5. We put forward that supply network research has important significance to development of supply chain theories and practical operations.
  6. 本文提出供应网络弹性研究对于供应链理论发展和实践运作均有重要的意义。
  7. In this competition, the network resources determine ability of telecom operators to supply broadband service. Therefore, the development of broadband access network attracts more and more telecom operators ' focus in full-service operations.
  8. 综合业务竞争的核心是宽带业务,而网络资源决定了各个电信运营商提供宽带业务的能力,因此,宽带接入网络的发展是电信运营商全业务运营的关注重点。
  9. Accelerating personnel supply and demand information network hub and senior personnel database building, improving the level of informationization talent market, a mechanism for sound, normal operations, thoughtful service, and effective personnel play an important role in the market system.
  10. 加快人才供求信息网络枢纽和高级人才数据库建设,提高政府人才市场的信息化水平,对形成机制健全、运行规范、服务周到、指导监督有力的人才市场体系具有重要作用。


英文缩写词 SNO 的含义,不止“Supply Network Operations”一个。




  1. Society for Neuro 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:神经学会
  2. Society for Neuro Oncology 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:神经肿瘤学会


  1. Sakon Nakhon, Thailand 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:泰国沙功那空


  1. Senior Neighborhood Officer 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:高级邻里官员


  1. Saturday Night Oldies 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:周六晚睡
  2. Sports Net Ontario 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:安大略体育网
  3. School Newspapers Online 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:学校报纸在线


  1. Sudbury Neutrino Observatory 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:萨德伯里中微子天文台
  2. Squire Nuki Op 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:乡绅努基
  3. Still Not Observed 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:仍未观察到
  4. Sydney Non Objective 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:悉尼非目标


  1. Snobol4 language source code file 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:snobol4语言源代码文件
  2. Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization 缩写成 “SNO”. 中文意思是:可持续纳米技术组织

