Govt. Ho.:香港礼宾府

“Government House”经常缩写成Govt. Ho.,以便快捷书写、使用。



Government House : 香港礼宾府

Government House具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:Govt. Ho.
  2. 英语全称: Government House
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:香港礼宾府
  7. 中文拼音:xiāng gǎng lǐ bīn fǔ
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:

英文缩写词Govt. Ho.的例句

  1. Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce oversaw the swearing-in ceremony at Government House(Govt. Ho.) in Canberra.
  2. 仪式在澳大利亚总督白莱斯的监督下,在堪培拉礼宾府举行。
  3. The smartest men were told off guard duty at Government House(Govt. Ho.). provision of logistic ( or administrative ) support by one or more of the military services to one or more departments or agencies of the US government.
  4. 美国服务于一个以上的部门和机构的政府机构提供的后勤(或行政)支持。
  5. Garden-style plaza – focusing the center of the Government House(Govt. Ho.); ensuring the flow distribution, visitors parking;
  6. 花园式广场,以政府楼为中心的形象塑造、保证人流集散、来访车辆停放;
  7. I received an invitation to dine at Government House(Govt. Ho.), the traditional governor's residence before Hong Kong's handover in1997.
  8. 有一次,我接到一份港督府的晚宴请柬。在1997年香港回归前,港督府向来是历任港督的官邸。
  9. The smartest men were told off guard duty at government house.
  10. 最机灵的士兵被派到政府大厦值勤。


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