
“Below The Zone”经常缩写成BTZ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Below The Zone : 下方地带

Below The Zone具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:BTZ
  2. 英语全称: Below The Zone
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:下方地带
  7. 中文拼音:xià fāng dì dài
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:军事


  1. It is known from the simulation results with five parameterization schemes of vertical POC transport that the increase of content in particulate organic carbon can obviously enhance the concentration of DIC below the euphonic zone, but does not have much affect on the redistribution of phosphate.
  2. 从五种颗粒有机碳垂直输送的参数化方案的模拟结果看出,增加颗粒有机碳的含量可以明显地增加总无机碳在真光层以下的含量,但对磷酸盐的再分布影响不大。
  3. In the Loess Plateau region, it is hardly for nitrate to leach below the root zone in field when the amount of total water both from natural rainfall and irrigation is smaller than or close to the annual average precipitation in corn growing period.
  4. 黄土高原地区,当地面接纳水量接近或小于夏玉米生育期内多年平均降雨量时,NO3~&N在土体中的淋移深度很难超出作物根系分布层。
  5. Based on the investigation record from Guangxi and Hainan Provinces, this species bores in the substrate of sand or sand-mud from surface to 21 cm underneath below the low tide zone to a water depth of 78 m.
  6. 据在广西和海南沿海的调查,它生活在潮下带至水深78m的沙或沙泥底质中。营埋栖生活,深度达21cm。
  7. Paleogeotherm indicates high thermal flow of the upper mantle below the Tan Lu fault zone.
  8. 古地温线特征表明,断裂带之下的上地幔具有高的大地热流值。
  9. There is a whirlpool or dead zone below the main water flow zone when the flow changes and the size of which is related to flow but its location basically unchanged.
  10. 当流量在一定范围内变化时,主流区下方均有漩涡低速区或死水区,该区域的大小与流量有关,其位置基本不变。


英文缩写词 BTZ 的含义,不止“Below The Zone”一个。




  1. Bremer Touristik Zentrale 缩写成 “BTZ”. 中文意思是:不来梅旅游总部
  2. Berlitz International, Inc. 缩写成 “BTZ”. 中文意思是:贝利兹国际公司


  1. Bursa, Turkey 缩写成 “BTZ”. 中文意思是:土耳其囊

