
“Video Games Development”经常缩写成VGD,以便快捷书写、使用。



Video Games Development : 电子游戏开发

Video Games Development具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:VGD
  2. 英语全称: Video Games Development
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:电子游戏开发
  7. 中文拼音:diàn zǐ yóu xì kāi fā
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:游戏


  1. Having retired in 2007 from what was by then Bandai Namco, the father of Japanese video games is now a professor of game development.
  2. 岩谷彻2007年从当时的万代南梦宫(BandaiNamco)退休,这位日本电子游戏之父现在是一名游戏开发专业的教授。
  3. This article dissertates the problem of violence in video games, it is the inevitable result of the development of video games which is based on computer technology, and with a view of virtual reality.
  4. 本文论述了电子游戏中的暴力问题,它是以计算机技术为基础、以虚拟真实为目的的电子游戏发展的必然结果。
  5. The set of creative industries include software, multimedia, video games, fashion design, publishing, and research and development.
  6. 研究的创意产业行业包括软件、多媒体、电子游戏、时装设计、出版、研究与开发。
  7. Over the recent years, the increasing demand for human animation in the fields of virtual reality, video games, and movie industry has greatly contributed to the development of computer animation technologies, especially the motion capture technology.
  8. 近年来虚拟现实、游戏、影视制作等领域对人体动画的需求不断增加,促进了计算机动画技术的快速发展。特别是动作捕获技术的出现,为人们提供了大量真实、丰富的动作数据。
  9. The consumer electronics manufacturers have been able to support the products colorful video and audio broadcast and the animated cartoon and games as a selling point and product development direction.
  10. 各消费电子厂商纷纷以产品能支持丰富多彩的音视频播放,以及动漫和游戏作为卖点和产品发展方向。


英文缩写词 VGD 的含义,不止“Video Games Development”一个。




  1. Viral Gill Disease 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:病毒性腮病


  1. Vulnerable Group Development 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:弱势群体发展


  1. Vologda, Russia 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:俄罗斯沃洛格达


  1. Virtual Geography Department 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:虚拟地理系


  1. Vga display driver (Generic CADD) 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:VGA显示驱动程序(通用CADD)
  2. Video Graphics Display 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:视频图形显示
  3. Vensim Graph Description 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:Vensim 图描述
  4. Video Game Designing 缩写成 “VGD”. 中文意思是:电子游戏设计

