“Your The Best”经常缩写成YTB,以便快捷书写、使用。
Your The Best具体释义
- 英文缩写:YTB
- 英语全称: Your The Best
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:你最好
- 中文拼音:nǐ zuì hǎo
- 常用领域:互联网
- 相关:聊天
- But you need to do this and make a habit of it if you want to make your relationship the best it can possibly be.
- 如果你想尽可能地经营好你的爱情,你需要这么去做,并且养成习惯。
- If thousands of pages surface in the SERPs for the keyword that you think describes your page the best, you need to think of how the searcher might deal with this situation.
- 如果对于您认为最适合描述自己页面的关键词,SERP中会出现数以千计的页面,那么需要考虑搜索者会如何处理这种情况。
- And let me be Your mirror, To reflect Your Light the best.
- 我愿是您明镜,反映您光芒熠熠。
- Also, if using the memory-to-memory persistence option with DRS, you might experiment with push / pull and client / server to determine which gives your site the best performance.
- 另外,如果使用DRS的“内存到内存持久化”选项,则可以尝试使用Push/Pull和客户机/服务器确定哪个的性能最佳。
- When you come to choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.
- 选购餐桌时,尽财力所能买最好的是很值得的。
英文缩写词 YTB 的含义,不止“Your The Best”一个。
- Hartley Bay, British Columbia, Canada 缩写成 “YTB”. 中文意思是:加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省哈特利湾
- Yearly Training Brief 缩写成 “YTB”. 中文意思是:年度培训简报
- Yard Tug, Big 缩写成 “YTB”. 中文意思是:庭院拖船