
“Girl of the Year”经常缩写成GOTY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Girl of the Year : 年度最佳女孩

Girl of the Year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:GOTY
  2. 英语全称: Girl of the Year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:年度最佳女孩
  7. 中文拼音:nián dù zuì jiā nǚ hái
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:


  1. Oscar-nominated actress Abigail Breslin, 11, will be honoured at the ceremony after being named as the first ever Girl of the Year(GOTY).
  2. 年仅11岁、曾获奥斯卡奖提名的童星艾碧姬?布丝莲将获得有史以来第一次颁发的“年度女孩”殊荣。
  3. The legal ideology about slave and slave girl in The Laws and Decrees of the Second Year of the Han Dynasty
  4. 《二年律令》有关奴婢的法律思想初探
  5. The former football superstar, together with his Spice Girl wife and four children will move into the new home at the end of the year after selling their Beckingham Palace in Hertfordshire, England for $ 20 million.
  6. 现已退役的足球明星贝克汉姆和辣妹维多利亚、四个子女将于年底入主新宅邸。他们以2000万美元的价格出售了位于英国赫特福德郡的贝金汉宫庄园。
  7. 2008, the television series " Ugly Girl Wudi ", broadcasted by Hunan TV exclusively, defeated all of its rivals and become the year of champion with a very high audience rating even it received lots of negative comments.
  8. 2008年由湖南卫视独家播出的电视连续剧《丑女无敌》在倍受争议之中以极高的收视成绩战胜了所有对手成为当年收视率的冠军。
  9. What the craziest thing is, a girl I went to high school with became a single mom at the year of graduation, and the next year I went back, she was working as a stripper to support her and her baby!
  10. 最疯狂的例子是,一个我高中的同学在毕业的那一年成了单身母亲,而第二年我回去的时候,她正做着脱衣舞女的工作来养活自己和孩子!


英文缩写词 GOTY 的含义,不止“Girl of the Year”一个。




  1. Greyhound of the Year 缩写成 “GOTY”. 中文意思是:年度灰狗奖
  2. Gear of the Year 缩写成 “GOTY”. 中文意思是:年度最佳装备


  1. Game Of The Year 缩写成 “GOTY”. 中文意思是:年度最佳游戏

