
“Started From The Bottom”经常缩写成SFTB,以便快捷书写、使用。



Started From The Bottom : 从底部开始

Started From The Bottom具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SFTB
  2. 英语全称: Started From The Bottom
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:从底部开始
  7. 中文拼音:cóng dǐ bù kāi shǐ
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:音乐


  1. We started from the bottom and we had to work our way up to the top.
  2. 我们从最底层开始,是一步一步奋斗到最高层的。
  3. My father started from the bottom as a public servant.
  4. 我父亲是从最底层做起的公务员。
  5. While from the last half year of 1999, Russian economy started to climb from the bottom; the growth rate of Russian economy ranked first in the world, the GDP's growth rate reached 8.3 %.
  6. 然而,从1999年下半年开始,俄罗斯经济出现转机,2000年经济增长居世界第一,GDP增幅达83%。
  7. Two of my children have just started at new schools, and from the bottom of each of their backpacks last week I rescued crumpled pieces of paper telling parents something about the kind of institution their children were attending.
  8. 最近,我的两个孩子分别去新学校就读。从他们的背包底部,我救出了几张皱巴巴的纸头。那是学校发的文件,告知学生家长有关校规。
  9. Like Liu, Zhang started his career in the railway sector and worked his way up from the bottom.
  10. 同刘一样,张开始其铁道部门工作生涯,是从基层做起。


英文缩写词 SFTB 的含义,不止“Started From The Bottom”一个。




  1. School for the Blind 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:盲人学校


  1. Straight From The Bed 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:直接从床上
  2. Stencils From The Block 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:块状模板
  3. Shots From The Balcony 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:阳台上的照片
  4. Straight from the Box 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:直接从盒子里出来
  5. Sorry for the Blast 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:对不起,爆炸了
  6. Singing for the Brain 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:为大脑歌唱
  7. S F T B Started From The Bottom 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:S F T B从底部开始
  8. Strike Force Troll Basher 缩写成 “SFTB”. 中文意思是:巨魔打击者突击队

