
“Frequency Time”经常缩写成IMT-FT,以便快捷书写、使用。



Frequency Time : 频率时间

Frequency Time具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:IMT-FT
  2. 英语全称: Frequency Time
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:频率时间
  7. 中文拼音:pín lǜ shí jiān
  8. 常用领域:计算机
  9. 相关:电信


  1. Just to see the video frequency time, humanity, I cannot help but feel fear, and then out of Chinese humanity, and I think that's about it.
  2. 刚看到视频的时候,出于人性,我不由得感到惊骇,而后又出于中国人的人性,我又觉得差不多就是这样了。
  3. Based on the frequency time domain method ( FTDM ), the moving vehicle axle loads are identified from the measured responses induced by the vehicles crossing a bridge.
  4. 利用频时域法由桥梁响应识别桥面移动车载,重点比较了伪逆解法和奇异值解法的识别结果,并讨论了几个主要参数对识别结果的影响。
  5. The pulse torques brought by high frequency time harmonics in induction motor is analyzed in this paper. The new method of calculating harmonic ripple torque is given on the base of void displacement principle.
  6. 文章在分析高次时间谐波产生的谐波脉动转矩基础上,介绍了用虚位移原理计算感应电动机谐波脉动转矩的方法。
  7. The Design and Implement of the Low Frequency Time(IMT-FT) Code's Simulation Signal Source
  8. 低频时码信号模拟器的设计与实现
  9. Analysis on Anomalous Characteristics of High frequency Time Series and Its Applications & Based on Multifractal Spectrum and Its Parameters
  10. 高频金融时间序列的异象特征分析及应用&基于多重分形谱及其参数的研究

