“Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza”经常缩写成HPAI,以便快捷书写、使用。
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza具体释义
- 英文缩写:HPAI
- 英语全称: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:高致病性禽流感
- 中文拼音:gāo zhì bìng xìng qín liú gǎn
- 常用领域:医学
- 相关:
- Revision process, the world in some countries a person infected with the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza.
- 修订过程中,世界一些国家爆发了人感染高致病性禽流感(HPAI)。
- Live birds infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza ( HPAI, or bird flu ) can infect humans.
- 如果高致病禽流感(HPAI或禽流感)病毒转移到了人类当中,那么感染该病毒的活禽可引发流感大流行。
- Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus can be found inside and on the surface of eggs laid by infected birds.
- 高致病性禽流感(HPAI)病毒可在受感染禽鸟所下蛋的内层和表面发现。
- The role of migratory birds in the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza is not fully understood.
- 目前仍不完全清楚候鸟在高致病性禽流感(HPAI)传播中的作用。
- Detection of antibody titers of highly pathogenic avian influenza and establishment of immunization schedule;
- 首次建立了苹果浓缩汁中耐热菌的家兔免疫程序,获得了多克隆抗体。