
“Japan Self-Defense Forces”经常缩写成JSDF,以便快捷书写、使用。



Japan Self-Defense Forces : 日本自卫队

Japan Self-Defense Forces具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:JSDF
  2. 英语全称: Japan Self-Defense Forces
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:日本自卫队
  7. 中文拼音:rì běn zì wèi duì
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:


  1. A boy and his family were rescued by Japan's Self-Defense Forces in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture.
  2. 宫城的石卷,一个小男孩和他的家人被日本自卫队(JSDF)救助。
  3. When Japan established its self-defense forces had pointed out that self-defense forces must insist purely defensive defense, not send troops abroad and not exercise collective self-defense.
  4. 日本在成立自卫队之时就曾指出,自卫队要坚持专守防卫的原则、不向海外派兵、不行使集体自卫权。
  5. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and defense minister Satoshi Morimoto last week said on separate occasions that Japan could deploy its self-defense forces if maritime confrontations escalate beyond what could be handled by its coast guard.
  6. 日本首相野田佳彦(yoshihikonoda)和防卫大臣森本敏(satoshimorimoto)上周分别在不同场合表示,如果海上冲突升级,超出了海岸警卫队的处理能力,日本将部署自卫队。
  7. While the Japan Coast Guard is responsible for protecting Japan's coastlines, the defense minister can order the Self-Defense Forces to be deployed for maritime security operations if the situation is considered beyond the coast guard's capabilities.
  8. 尽管日本海上保安厅负责保卫日本的海岸线,但如果局势被认为超出了海上保安厅的应对能力,那么防卫大臣可以下令派遣自卫队实施保障海上安全的军事行动。


英文缩写词 JSDF 的含义,不止“Japan Self-Defense Forces”一个。




  1. Japanese Self Defense Forces 缩写成 “JSDF”. 中文意思是:日本自卫队


  1. Jackson State Demonstration Forest 缩写成 “JSDF”. 中文意思是:杰克逊州示范森林
  2. Japan Social Development Fund 缩写成 “JSDF”. 中文意思是:日本社会发展基金


  1. Japan Self Defense Forces 缩写成 “JSDF”. 中文意思是:日本自卫队
  2. Japanese Self Defense Force 缩写成 “JSDF”. 中文意思是:日本自卫队

