
“Just Between Friends”经常缩写成JBF,以便快捷书写、使用。



Just Between Friends : 只是在朋友之间

Just Between Friends具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:JBF
  2. 英语全称: Just Between Friends
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:只是在朋友之间
  7. 中文拼音:zhǐ shì zài péng you zhī jiān
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:


  1. We 'll make up an inventory, just between friends.
  2. 我们只做个朋友之间的存货清单。
  3. Time spent on Facebook, however, is not just idle chitchat between friends, because the architecture of the place lends itself so easily to voyeurism and exhibitionism.
  4. 不过,在Facebook度过的时间,不仅仅是朋友间的闲聊,因为该网站的结构可以轻松地被窥淫癖和暴露癖者利用。
  5. You might often hear a kidding remark passed between Jack and Steve, but it was just the sort of give-and-take between the two friends.
  6. 在杰克和斯蒂夫之间,你常常可以听到取笑对方的话,那不过是朋友之间友善的嘲弄罢了。
  7. Valentine's Day is one of those Western innovations taken to heart by reticent Chinese as a date to express their love : not just between lovers, but for family and friends as well.
  8. 不善表达的中国人吸收引进了一些西方的节日,情人节也是其中之一,在这一天不仅相爱的人之间可以表达爱意,家人和朋友之间也可互致关切。
  9. It'sno longer just about messages that are broadcasted out by companies, but increasingly about information that is shared between friends.
  10. 这不再只是信息,播放了公司,但越来越多的信息是朋友之间分享。


英文缩写词 JBF 的含义,不止“Just Between Friends”一个。




  1. Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:日本商业联合会(Keidanren)


  1. John Byrne Forum 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:约翰·伯恩论坛


  1. Journal of Banking and Finance 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:银行与金融杂志
  2. James Beard Foundation 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:吉姆斯·比尔德基金会
  3. Jazz Blues and Funk 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:爵士蓝调和摇滚乐
  4. Just Bustin Funk 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:只不过是巴斯汀·芬克
  5. John Bevan Ford 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:约翰贝温福特


  1. Jasc Browser File 缩写成 “JBF”. 中文意思是:JASC浏览器文件

