
“Mineral Resource Zone”经常缩写成MRZ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Mineral Resource Zone : 矿产资源区

Mineral Resource Zone具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:MRZ
  2. 英语全称: Mineral Resource Zone
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:矿产资源区
  7. 中文拼音:kuàng chǎn zī yuán qū
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Hubei strategic zone of mineral resource including national strategy based mineral resource zone and provincial advantages based mineral resources zone.
  2. 湖北省矿产资源战略区包括基于国家战略的矿产资源战略区和基于省域优势矿产的矿产资源战略区。
  3. Empirical Study on Economic Losses of Water Pollution in Mineral Resource Development Zone & A Case Study of Qingyang City, Gansu Province
  4. 矿产资源开发区水污染经济损失实证研究&以甘肃省庆阳市为例
  5. A new technology for preparing rich titanium product, which includes microwave reduction-mineral separation-microwave leaching, was put forward on the basis of the abundant situation of titanium mineral resource in Panzhihua-Xichang zone and the advantages and disadvantages of actual productive methods on making rich titanium product.
  6. 针对攀西地区丰富的钛资源现状和现行富钛料生产工艺优缺点,提出了微波加热还原钛精矿复合球团选矿分离微波浸出制取高品质富钛料的新工艺路线。
  7. Finally, the exploration geochemical methods used for the mineral resource assessment and prospecting prediction on the national, metallogenesis zone and ore filed levels are introduced.
  8. 提出了全国性、成矿带和矿田级次矿产资源地球化学评价和预测的方法。
  9. Mineral Resource Economics division in Hubei province is a multi-level framework which including three aspects, mineral resources strategic zone, mineral resources planning zone and mining economic zone.
  10. 湖北省矿产资源经济分区是包括有矿产资源战略区、矿产资源规划区和矿业经济区等三个方面、多层次的框架体系。


英文缩写词 MRZ 的含义,不止“Mineral Resource Zone”一个。




  1. Moree, New South Wales, Australia 缩写成 “MRZ”. 中文意思是:莫雷,新南威尔士,澳大利亚


  1. Mutant Renegade Zine 缩写成 “MRZ”. 中文意思是:突变叛徒锌


  1. Machine Readable Zone 缩写成 “MRZ”. 中文意思是:入台证的机读区
  2. Machine Readable Zones 缩写成 “MRZ”. 中文意思是:机器可读区
  3. Mainzer Rhein Zeitung 缩写成 “MRZ”. 中文意思是:美因茨莱茵报

