
“Short time Fourier Analysis”经常缩写成STFA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Short time Fourier Analysis : 短时傅立叶分析

Short time Fourier Analysis具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:STFA
  2. 英语全称: Short time Fourier Analysis
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:短时傅立叶分析
  7. 中文拼音:duǎn shí fù lì yè fēn xī
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Spectrum analysis, cepstrum analysis, short time Fourier analysis and wavelets analysis are used in the process of vibrating intensity signal. The running state of the sets is discovered. The virtues and shortcomings of each analysis method are compared.
  2. 对振动烈度信号进行频谱分析、倒频谱分析、短时傅立叶分析(STFA)及小波分析等,揭示机组的运行状态,并对各种分析方法的优缺点进行比较分析。
  3. The relative waveforms, such as maximum frequency, mean frequency and bandwidth, were obtained using the short time Fourier analysis of those simulated signals.
  4. 对这些仿真信号进行短时傅里叶分析,求出相应的最大频率、平均频率和频谱宽度等曲线。
  5. Transform Spline Function and Its Short Time Fourier Analysis
  6. 变换样条函数及其短时傅里叶分析
  7. The advantages and disadvantages of various methods varying from Fourier analysis to short - time Fourier analysis and then to wavelet analysis which is focused on are studied.
  8. 首先,介绍了信号采样与混叠理论,然后从傅立叶分析到短时傅立叶分析(STFA)再到小波分析,给出了各种方法的优缺点,其中,重点介绍了小波分析。
  9. In terms of practical requirement, the thesis discusses the algorithm and realization of modern spectrum estimation and time-frequency analysis in detail, which includes parameterized spectrum estimation, high order spectra, short time Fourier transform and wavelet analysis, based on the classical signal processing.
  10. 结合工程实际,本文在经典信号处理的基础上,详细讨论了信号的现代谱估计和时频分析算法理论及其实现方法,包括:参数谱估计、高阶谱、短时傅立叶变换和小波分析。


英文缩写词 STFA 的含义,不止“Short time Fourier Analysis”一个。




  1. Scottish Table Football Association 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:苏格兰桌上足球协会


  1. Stratford American Corporation 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:斯特拉特福德美国公司
  2. Swamp Tour Founders Association 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:沼泽旅游创始人协会


  1. Student Tuition Fee Account 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:学生学费账户


  1. State Troopers Fraternal Association 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:州警联谊会


  1. Search The Fine Archive 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:搜索好的档案
  2. Scottish Tenant Farmers Association 缩写成 “STFA”. 中文意思是:苏格兰佃农协会

