
“Lab LAB Lab”经常缩写成LABLAB,以便快捷书写、使用。



Lab LAB Lab : 实验室实验室

Lab LAB Lab具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LABLAB
  2. 英语全称: Lab LAB Lab
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实验室实验室
  7. 中文拼音:shí yàn shì shí yàn shì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. On the basis of own characteristics, the fundamental course lab and the specialized lab must play the different roles in lab construction.
  2. 基础课实验室和专业实验室应根据自身的特点发挥各自的作用。
  3. Undergraduates, who enrolled in Zhengzhou University in1998 and did graduate programs in our lab, and the members of our lab were in our lab in summer, 2002.
  4. 2002年夏,在我们实验室做毕业设计的98级本科毕业生和我们实验室全体人员在实验室合影。
  5. The CoE needs to identify what should be in the lab, how and for what purpose the lab will be utilized, when the lab should become operational and for how long.
  6. CoE需要确定实验室中应该有什么、使用实验室的方法和用途、什么时候实验室应该成为操作性的以及持续多长时间。
  7. If you are a lab manager, you can track and manage lab resource requests by viewing the status of all requests, assigning requests to lab personnel to fulfill, or fulfilling them directly.
  8. 如果您是一个实验室管理人员,您可以通过查看所有请求的状态,分配请求到实验室人事部来完成,或者直接实现它们来跟踪和管理实验室资源。
  9. A Cloud Lab Appliance can be created by installing the Cloud Lab Agent on an existing machine or by starting with the standard Cloud Lab Agent machine instance on a public cloud and configuring it.
  10. CloudLab设备可通过两种方式创建:在现有机器上安装CloudLab代理,或者在公共云上启动标准的CloudLab代理机器实例并配置它。

