
“Development Finance Institutions”经常缩写成DFIS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Development Finance Institutions : 发展金融机构

Development Finance Institutions具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:DFIS
  2. 英语全称: Development Finance Institutions
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:发展金融机构
  7. 中文拼音:fā zhǎn jīn róng jī gòu
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:发展


  1. Citigroup is the biggest name to launch a pan-African fund in a region where private equity is dominated by quasi-governmental development finance institutions, mainly from Europe, and specialist emerging market funds.
  2. 花旗集团将是推出泛非基金公司中名声最响亮的一家。非洲的私人股本由准政府发展金融机构(DFIS)(主要来自欧洲)和专项新兴市场基金所主导。
  3. The agreement between 31 so-called development finance institutions ( DFIs ) is intended to hammer out an approach on how to weave corporate governance into investment criteria.
  4. 这31家所谓的“开发性金融机构”(dfi)达成的这项协议,旨在敲定一个把公司治理纳入投资标准的方法。
  5. " What you have right now is an unparalleled coordination effort among development finance institutions," says Vegarra. " I think together we can have a strong signaling effect. "
  6. “目前,各发展融资机构空前协调,”Vegarra说:“我想,通过协同努力,我们可以产生巨大的引导效应。”
  7. International Committee for Development and Finance Institutions
  8. 发展和金融机构国际委员会
  9. The 3 objectives of credit risk management in rural finance are : sustainable development of rural finance institutions, enough credit access for rural population, effective utilization of government subsidies to support agriculture.
  10. 农村金融信用风险管理的三个目标是:农村金融机构可持续发展、农民有足够渠道获得生产经营所需贷款、政府支农资金得到有效利用。


英文缩写词 DFIS 的含义,不止“Development Finance Institutions”一个。




  1. Defense Financial Institution Services 缩写成 “DFIS”. 中文意思是:国防金融机构服务


  1. Development Financial Institutions 缩写成 “DFIS”. 中文意思是:发展金融机构


  1. Diesel Fuel Injection Service 缩写成 “DFIS”. 中文意思是:柴油喷射服务
  2. Discrete Frequency Immittance Spectroscopy 缩写成 “DFIS”. 中文意思是:离散频率导抗谱
  3. Digital Flight Inspection System 缩写成 “DFIS”. 中文意思是:数字飞行检查系统

