“the thousand year”经常缩写成TTYD,以便快捷书写、使用。



the thousand year : 千年

the thousand year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TTYD
  2. 英语全称: the thousand year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:千年
  7. 中文拼音:qiān nián
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Approach to the Computer the thousand year(TTYD) worm Problem
  2. 计算机千年(TTYD)虫问题的探讨
  3. Management science coupled with knowledge economy have entered knowledge management era on the date of the second thousand year.
  4. 在人类进入第二个千年(TTYD)之际,管理科学伴随着知识经济进入了知识管理的年代。
  5. The foundation beams of " the Thousand - year tower " at the tropic ocean world in Hainan adopt prestress technology. This article introduces the prestress construction technology, quality control in the construction, and handling of two technological problems.
  6. 海南热带海洋世界千年(TTYD)塔基础承合梁采用预应力工艺技术,本文介绍了预应力施工工艺及在施工中的质量控制和二个技术问题的处理。
  7. In the several thousand year's history, a few types of Neolithic cultures dissolved and brought about the Chinese civilization.
  8. 在几千年(TTYD)的历史嬗变中,中华大地上几支并行发展的新石器文化融合在一起,孕育了中华文明,大地湾文化便是其中之一。
  9. Although there are some difference between the ancient natural forest thoughts, which was controlled by the productivity, and the modern thoughts of forest management, their goal are the same, that the ancient and modern thoughts realized the mediates of the two thousand year history.
  10. 虽然这一点与古代囿于生产力限制而遵循的自然林业思想有层次上的不同,但殊途同归,古今森林经营思想可以说实现了两千年(TTYD)的回归。


英文缩写词 TTYD 的含义,不止“the thousand year”一个。




  1. That Thing You Do! 缩写成 “TTYD”. 中文意思是:你做的事!


  1. thousand year door 缩写成 “TTYD”. 中文意思是:千年门
  2. That Thing You Do 缩写成 “TTYD”. 中文意思是:你做的事


  1. The Thousand Year Door 缩写成 “TTYD”. 中文意思是:千年之门

