
“Joint Research Project”经常缩写成JRP,以便快捷书写、使用。



Joint Research Project : 联合研究项目

Joint Research Project具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:JRP
  2. 英语全称: Joint Research Project
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:联合研究项目
  7. 中文拼音:lián hé yán jiū xiàng mù
  8. 常用领域:学术科学
  9. 相关:研究


  1. India and South Africa will launch a joint research project on basic science and vaccines for HIV strains common to both countries.
  2. 印度和南非将启动一项关于两国常见的艾滋病病毒毒株的基础科学与疫苗的联合研究项目(JRP)。
  3. Later in the day Prof Patel, Cardiologist, from USA came down especially to Vashi Hospital to visit the place and discuss about on Joint Research Project(JRP) with their University and Vashi Hospital.
  4. 随后来自美国的心脏病学专家,Patel教授专程来到Vashi医院参观,并讨论他们的大学和Vashi医院合作研究项目。
  5. In this paper, thoroughly discussed are stability and settlement laws of high rock-filled embankment based on the joint research project, Research on Construction Technology and Quality Control of High-filled Embankment, by Guangxi Highway Management Bureau and College of Civil Engineering, Hunan University.
  6. 本文以广西壮族自治区公路管理局和湖南大学土木工程学院联合承担的科研项目高路堤施工技术与质量控制研究为依托,深入研究了高填石路堤稳定性及沉降规律。
  7. We concentrated our research on improvement of the coherence characteristics of these high power laser diodes ( LD ), a joint research project between the Department of Optical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, and the Optical Institute, Technical University of Berlin, Germany.
  8. 本论文着重研究改善高功率半导体激光器相干特性的方法,该项研究是我们与德国柏林工业大学光学研究所合作开展的。
  9. With the help of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum, China has launched the " Human Resources Development Fund ", " Persons of African cultural visit plans ", " China-Africa joint research project ", " cultural focus activities "," China-Africa Youth Festival ", and other major exchange programs in Africa.
  10. 以中非合作论坛为载体,中国向非洲推出了非洲人力资源开发基金、非洲文化人士访华计划、中非联合研究计划、非洲孔子学院、中非青年联欢节等新型交流项目。


英文缩写词 JRP 的含义,不止“Joint Research Project”一个。




  1. Josquin Research Project 缩写成 “JRP”. 中文意思是:Josquin研究项目


  1. Joint Requirements Planning 缩写成 “JRP”. 中文意思是:联合需求规划


  1. John Robert Powers 缩写成 “JRP”. 中文意思是:爵瑞堡斯
  2. Jewish Renaissance Project 缩写成 “JRP”. 中文意思是:犹太文艺复兴计划


  1. Journal of Radiological Protection 缩写成 “JRP”. 中文意思是:放射防护杂志

