
“On the Job Experience”经常缩写成OJE,以便快捷书写、使用。



On the Job Experience具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:OJE
  2. 英语全称: On the Job Experience
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:在职经验
  7. 中文拼音:zài zhí jīng yàn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. We can gain a certain amount of knowledge from books, but nothing replaces on the job experience for getting you ready for the next career stage.
  2. 我们可以从书本上获得一定量的知识,但在工作中要为下一职业台阶做好准备,什么都取代不了经验。
  3. Currently, Firefly Coffeehouse has partnered with Baise disability school, in hopes, to give the students there on the job training and experience and enrich the dynamics at Firefly.
  4. “咖啡屋”也与百色市特殊学校建立合作伙伴关系,我们希望能够培养学员的工作技能和不断的鼓励学员,为他们以后找工作打下良好基础。
  5. At the time of the mine collapse, Golborne, an engineer and former executive of the supermarket / retail chain Cencosud S.A., was new on the job and had no experience in mining.
  6. 戈尔本原本是一名工程师及超级市场/零售连锁店桑科萨集团(CencosudS.A.)的前执行官,矿难发生时,他刚出任矿业部长不久,并且对采矿毫无经验。
  7. At the end, based on the author ` s job experience, some constructive design and suggestion were put forword in order to push the LCC management to be applied in Chinese power engineering.
  8. 最后,作者结合自己工作经历,对在我国电力建设项目全面推行全寿命周期成本管理提出了部分建设性设想和建议。
  9. Your degrees make it possible to find a good job and learning on the job as you gain in experience allows you to enhance your capabilities and move up the career ladder.
  10. 你的学位使你能够找到一个号工作,边工作边在工作中成长获得的经验使你的职位步步高升。


英文缩写词 OJE 的含义,不止“On the Job Experience”一个。




  1. Objective Job Evaluation 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:客观工作评价


  1. Organización Juvenil Española 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:西班牙青年组织


  1. Oberlin Jazz Ensemble 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:奥伯林爵士乐团
  2. Otsego Jazz Ensemble 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:奥塞戈爵士乐团


  1. Online Journal of Ethics 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:在线伦理杂志
  2. Open Journal of Ecology 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:开放生态学杂志
  3. Own Jamming Excision 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:自身干扰切除
  4. o Jornal Economico 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:主要经济
  5. On Job Evaluation 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:在职评估


  1. Open Java Extensions 缩写成 “OJE”. 中文意思是:开放式Java扩展

