
“winding number of”经常缩写成WNO,以便快捷书写、使用。



winding number of : 绕组编号

winding number of具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:WNO
  2. 英语全称: winding number of
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:绕组编号
  7. 中文拼音:rào zǔ biān hào
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The energy spectrum of vibration ( RMS ) decreases with increasing damping materials diameter at winding same number of circles of damping materials.
  2. 在缠绕相同匝数时,振动有效值都随着材料直径的增大而减小。
  3. Before thinking about winding a specified number of yarns on a beam, first consider the problem of positioning the package from which the yarn is taken in such a manner so as to facilitate the removal of yarn.
  4. 在将特定数目的纱线卷绕到经轴上之前,首先应考虑筒子的位置要便于纱线的退绕。
  5. Basing harmonic starting theory as a foundation, a new scheme of stator winding and rotor winding is devised by using the modern winding theory and slot-number phase graph. The winding scheme has a number of features as simple-connection, easy-embedding and capable of uninterruptible power supply switching.
  6. 该电机以谐波起动理论为基础,利用电机绕组理论和槽号相位图设计出一种接法简单、嵌线容易、不断电切换的绕组方案。
  7. In this paper, it is shown that the resonance between the solution of driv en-damped equation and that of the unperturbed system is the cause of winding number bifurcation and hence of the superstructure.
  8. 本文指出,漂移波方程的扰动解与未扰系统的解之间的共振和因此而引起的绕数分岔,是出现这种超级结构的原因。
  9. Combined with ANSYS analysis results, the characteristics of filament winding process and the demand of number of layers on connection parts, the structural parameters of carbon fiber tube were obtained including the fibers orientation angles, stacking sequences, layers thicknesses and number of layers.
  10. 结合ANSYS分析结果、缠绕成型工艺的特点和连接部位对铺层比例的要求,最后确定了碳纤维管的结构参数。


英文缩写词 WNO 的含义,不止“winding number of”一个。




  1. Wild Night Out 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:狂野夜


  1. Weakly Non- Oscillatory 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:弱非振荡


  1. Winter National Olympics 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:冬奥会
  2. Wisconsin Norton Owners 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:威斯康星州诺顿业主


  1. WELSH National Opera 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:威尔士国家歌剧院
  2. Walnut Neighborhood Organization 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:胡桃木社区组织
  3. Washington National Opera 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:华盛顿国家歌剧院


  1. World Nap Organization 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:世界午睡组织
  2. Wabanong Nakaygum Okimawin 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:瓦班农·中永固·奥基马温(Wabanong Nakayum Okimawin)
  3. World Nature Organization 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:世界自然组织
  4. Wet Nationale Ombudsman 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:国家监察员法
  5. Wabanong Nakaygum 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:瓦班农-纳卡尤姆
  6. Westchester Networking Organization 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:韦斯特切斯特网络组织
  7. Washington National 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:华盛顿国民


  1. Wife Number One 缩写成 “WNO”. 中文意思是:第一夫人

