
“Balance of Year”经常缩写成BOY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Balance of Year : 年度余额

Balance of Year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:BOY
  2. 英语全称: Balance of Year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:年度余额
  7. 中文拼音:nián dù yú é
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. In the above formula, the average net receivables are computed by using the beginning accounts receivables balance and the ending balance of the year.
  2. 在上面的公式中,平均应收账款净额是使用应收账款的年初余额和年末余额计算出来的。
  3. McDonald's declined to comment but Coca-Cola said it actively hedges against fluctuations in the euro and the yen, and that the soft drink company had locked in an in effect dollar-euro exchange rate of $ 1.40 for the balance of the year.
  4. 麦当劳拒绝置评,但可口可乐表示,它针对欧元和日元的波动,积极进行了对冲操作。该软饮料公司已将今年剩余时间内欧元/美元汇率锁定在1欧元兑1.40美元。
  5. Influence on the solar assurance rate, solar collector thermal efficiency and water temperature in the tank is studied according to the heating balance of whole year, quantity of the solar heating and different heating storage volumes.
  6. 在此基础上,研究了全年热量平衡,各月太阳能供热量,不同蓄热容量对全年太阳能保证率、集热器集热效率、水箱温度的影响。
  7. The balance of the previous year's government budget at any level may be used in the next year for the expenditure of the previous year's carry-over projects;
  8. 各级政府预算的上年结余,可以在下年用于上年结转项目的支出;
  9. American unfavourable balance of trade increase year by year, But it is not so serious as Americans declared.
  10. 近年来美国贸易逆差逐年扩大。但贸易逆差问题远不象美国所说的那么严重。


英文缩写词 BOY 的含义,不止“Balance of Year”一个。




  1. Boykin Lodging Company 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:博伊金住宿公司
  2. Bodycote 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:鲍迪克
  3. Boyuan Construction Group, Incorporated 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:博远建设集团有限公司
  4. Bank of Yokohama 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:横滨银行


  1. Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:博博迪乌拉索,布基纳法索


  1. Beginning Of Year 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:年初


  1. Best of Youth 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:青春最美


  1. Brown,orange,yellow 277/480 volt phasing tape colors 缩写成 “BOY”. 中文意思是:棕色、橙色、黄色277/480伏相位胶带颜色

