
“Fair Campaign”经常缩写成FCPA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Fair Campaign : 公平运动

Fair Campaign具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FCPA
  2. 英语全称: Fair Campaign
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:公平运动
  7. 中文拼音:gōng píng yùn dòng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. They have also been an inspiration for all of us at Oxfam International, which has been working on fair access to medicine through the Make Trade Fair campaign for years.
  2. 国际乐施会多年来努力透过公平贸易运动,让所有人有公平获取药物的权利,Eufemia婆婆和Jose爷爷的行动,令我们极为鼓舞。
  3. In2003, a representative visited Oxfam Hong Kong and discussed the Make Trade Fair campaign, and in2007, they joined an Oxfam seminar on Fair Trade.
  4. 2003年,合作社的代表来到乐施会参观,讨论发展公平贸易运动及售卖公平贸易产品的可能性。今天,他们正致力推广公平贸易产品。
  5. A fight for fair trade was one of his key campaign themes, but he made clear that this meant opening up foreign markets to US goods.
  6. 为贸易的公平性而战是他的主旨,但是他澄清这意味着对于美国商品开放国外市场。
  7. Justice refers to that voters, candidates have the fair opportunity to participate in voting, campaign and to be selected, election results are objective and true, and the return results are compatible with the choice of voters ( the collective ).
  8. 公正指选民、候选人有参加选举、竞选与当选的公平机会,选举结果客观和真实,公布的结果与选民(集体)的选择相符合。
  9. It would not be fair to brush the issue aside by saying the campaign is aimed at Chinese Singaporeans in the Chinese community only and hence has nothing to do with the minorities.
  10. 不应该说这项运动只针对华族社群,与少数族群无关,所以把这课题丢在一旁。


英文缩写词 FCPA 的含义,不止“Fair Campaign”一个。




  1. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:反海外腐败法
  2. Florida Career Professionals Association 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:佛罗里达职业专业人士协会
  3. Fujitsu Computer Products of America, Inc. 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:美国富士通电脑产品有限公司
  4. Forensic Certified Public Accountant 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:法医注册会计师
  5. Florida Cast Polymer Association 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:佛罗里达铸造聚合物协会
  6. Field Certified Professional Association 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:现场认证专业协会
  7. Fellow of the Association of Certified Public Accountants (International) 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:注册会计师协会会员(国际)


  1. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:1977年《反海外腐败法》
  2. Fergus County Port Authority 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:弗格斯县港务局
  3. Fair Campaign Practices Act 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:公平竞选实践法


  1. Florida Crime Prevention Association 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:佛罗里达州预防犯罪协会
  2. Fellowship of Christian Physician Assistants 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:基督教医师助理奖学金
  3. Florida Clinical Practice Association 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:佛罗里达临床实践协会
  4. Fairfax County Park Authority 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:费郡公园管理局
  5. Fairfax County Parks Association 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:费尔法克斯县公园协会


  1. Finally Caught Pinching the Assets 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:最后抓住了资产


  1. Fujitsu Computer Products of America 缩写成 “FCPA”. 中文意思是:美国富士通电脑产品

