
“South of Washington”经常缩写成SoWa,以便快捷书写、使用。



South of Washington : 华盛顿南部

South of Washington具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SoWa
  2. 英语全称: South of Washington
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:华盛顿南部
  7. 中文拼音:huá shèng dùn nán bù
  8. 常用领域:地域
  9. 相关:


  1. Langley's unmanned plane was launched from the top of a houseboat floating on the Potomac River south of Washington.
  2. 兰利的无人驾驶飞机从漂浮在华盛顿以南波托马克河上的一座水上住宅的屋顶上起飞。
  3. Now semi-retired, he and his wife are based in Gstaad but move between homes all over the world : the south of France, New York, Washington, Paris, London, the Caribbean, Israel and Turkey.
  4. 现在处于半退休状态的他和夫人主要定居在格施塔德,但在遍布全世界的家之间迁居:南法、纽约、华盛顿、巴黎、伦敦、加勒比海、以色列及土耳其。
  5. Children attend the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington.
  6. 孩子们在白宫的南草坪上参加“滚蛋”比赛。
  7. A mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; site of the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt carved on it.
  8. 美国南达科他州西部布莱克山脉的一座山;山石上雕有华盛顿、杰弗逊、林肯和罗斯福的巨大雕像。
  9. Rodney Frelinghuysen, from New Jersey, is the sixth generation of his family to serve in Congress. a mountain in the Black Hills of South Dakota; site of the likenesses of Washington and Jefferson and Lincoln and Roosevelt carved on it.
  10. 来自新泽西的罗德尼.弗里林海森则是在国会供职的第六代家族成员。美国南达科他州西部布莱克山脉的一座山;山石上雕有华盛顿、杰弗逊、林肯和罗斯福的巨大雕像。


英文缩写词 SoWa 的含义,不止“South of Washington”一个。




  1. School Of the Worshipful Arts 缩写成 “SOWA”. 中文意思是:崇尚艺术学院


  1. Service Order Work Aid 缩写成 “SOWA”. 中文意思是:服务订单工作帮助

