
“Government Communication and Information”经常缩写成GCIS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Government Communication and Information : 政府沟通与信息

Government Communication and Information具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:GCIS
  2. 英语全称: Government Communication and Information
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:政府沟通与信息
  7. 中文拼音:zhèng fǔ gōu tōng yǔ xìn xī
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:


  1. Last but not least, it will give suggestions for our government on how to enhance the publicity in external communication and improve the information management when coping with the social conflicts in current years.
  2. 并提出完善我国现阶段政府在处理社会冲突中更为公开透明的外部沟通和信息管理的对策建议。
  3. The government need find out new methods to cope with the new features. In the communication management, use and regulate crisis information, the public and the media, with he help of multipronged approach, do a good job of crisis communication management.
  4. 在传播管理中,对危机信息、公众和媒体进行张弛有道的利用和管制,多管齐下,做好危机传播管理工作。
  5. Government communication ability is both important research fields of politics science, administrative science, and also a subject concerned with communications information and other disciplines concerned topics.
  6. 政府传播力问题既是政治学、行政学的重要研究领域,又是传播学、信息学等学科关注课题之一。
  7. Local government is supposed to build a smooth negotiation and consultation mechanism, improve the communication mechanism, hold ann open and honest attitude towards media and declare the information timely and accurately so as to guide the public opinion.
  8. 基层政府要建立畅通有效的谈判、协商机制,还应健全沟通机制,对媒体采取坦诚、公开的态度,及时、准确地将权威、有效信息予以公布,从而引导舆论。
  9. Based on the complexity of market dynamics and cross-regional clusters, government cooperation mechanism should be flexible decision-making, multi-level communication and other characteristics, at the same time, to introduce a third-party organization to ensure the integrity and smooth information.
  10. 基于市场动态性与跨区域集群复杂性,政府合作机制应具有决策灵活性、沟通多层次等特点,并引入第三方组织保证信息沟通完整与顺畅。


英文缩写词 GCIS 的含义,不止“Government Communication and Information”一个。




  1. Georgia Career Information System 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:格鲁吉亚职业信息系统
  2. General Contractors Inspection Service 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:总承包商检验服务


  1. Gordon Center for Integrative Science 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:戈登综合科学中心


  1. Grade Crossing Inventory System 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:平交道口清点制度
  2. Government Communication and Information System 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:政府通信与信息系统


  1. Greene County Intermediate School 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:格林县中学


  1. Georgia Consortium for International Studies 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:格鲁吉亚国际研究联合会
  2. Global Change Information System 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:全球变化信息系统
  3. Global Cluster Initiative Survey 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:全球集群倡议调查
  4. Gulf Coast Information Systems 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:墨西哥湾海岸信息系统
  5. Gülen Chair for Intercultural Studies 缩写成 “GCIS”. 中文意思是:G_len跨文化研究主席

