
“High Frequency Word”经常缩写成HFW,以便快捷书写、使用。



High Frequency Word : 高频字

High Frequency Word具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:HFW
  2. 英语全称: High Frequency Word
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:高频字
  7. 中文拼音:gāo pín zì
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. In order to make a better investigation on the usage of a high frequency word ill in medical English, we created a small corpus of American medical English.
  2. 为了更好地考察ill在医学英语中的使用情况,我们建立起一个小型美国医学英语语料库。
  3. In the last ten years of the 21 ~ ( st ) century, there was a high frequency word " humanistic education " appeared on the theory research and practice of higher education in our country.
  4. 20世纪的最后10年,在我国高教理论研究与实践探索中频繁出现人文教育这一词汇。
  5. As an expression word," Industry Chain " is a high frequency word in industry development, and the industrial chain theory has always been the hot topic of academic, but also the focus of industry theory research.
  6. 产业链作为一个表达术语,是产业发展过程中使用频率极高的词,而产业链理论一直是学术界的热门课题,也是产业理论研究的重点。
  7. In Zhongning Dialect, zou is a high & frequency word which has two phonetic forms : stressed and light.
  8. 中宁话里,走是一个使用频率很高的词,有重读和轻读两种语音形式。
  9. This study investigates the effect of error treatment from three different approaches on grammatical accuracy in L2 writing in terms of the errors of high frequency such as Word Class, Preposition and Noun-endings.
  10. 根据学习者在二语写作中犯错频率最高的三种语法点如词性、介词和名词词尾,本研究调查了三种不同的纠错方式对二语写作中语法精确度的影响。


英文缩写词 HFW 的含义,不止“High Frequency Word”一个。




  1. Handwriting for Windows 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:Windows手写


  1. Housing For Women 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:妇女住房


  1. Homecoming and Family Weekend 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:回家和家庭周末
  2. Holman Fenwick Willan 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:霍曼·芬威克·威兰
  3. High Frequency Words 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:高频词
  4. Huddersfield Fine Worsteds 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:哈德斯菲尔德细毛织物
  5. Homes For Wildlife 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:野生动物之家
  6. Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall 缩写成 “HFW”. 中文意思是:休·费恩利·惠廷斯泰尔

