
“Real Time IDentification”经常缩写成RTID,以便快捷书写、使用。



Real Time IDentification : 实时识别

Real Time IDentification具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:RTID
  2. 英语全称: Real Time IDentification
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:实时识别
  7. 中文拼音:shí shí shí bié
  8. 常用领域:机构
  9. 相关:警察


  1. The algorithm is evaluated for adaptive equalization and real time identification of AR parameters.
  2. 此外,作者结合自适应均衡和AR参数识别,说明了本算法的具体应用。
  3. The paper discusses the measuring and controlling principles of the system. The practical recursive algorithms of least-square real time identification and weighted-least-variance control are derived.
  4. 本文论述了高精度螺纹磨床微机自适应控制系统的测量和控制原理,推导出了实用的最小二乘实时辨识和加权最小方差控制的速推算法,并介绍了实施控制的微型计算机硬件及软件部分。
  5. A practical method for flight quality parameter real time identification
  6. 一种实现飞行品质参数实时辨识的实用方法
  7. Take the SAW tire sensor developed by a German research team as an example, the working principle of the electronic sensing system for real time identification of tire-road adhesion is introduced and a perspective of the applications of the system on auto active safety controls is given.
  8. 以德国开发的SAW轮胎传感器为例,介绍了轮胎路面附着系数电子感应识别系统的工作原理,展望了该系统在汽车主动安全控制方面的重要应用前景。
  9. Although online modeling has lower precision, the identification time is far less than sample time. So the online modeling based on MRAN accords with the real time identification and can be used in model based control algorithm directly.
  10. 而在线建模的学习算法虽然精度不够高,但辨识时间远远小于现场数据的采样时间,符合实时建模的要求,可直接应用于基于模型的控制算法。

