
“Labor Force Growth”经常缩写成LFG,以便快捷书写、使用。



Labor Force Growth : 劳动力增长

Labor Force Growth具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LFG
  2. 英语全称: Labor Force Growth
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:劳动力增长
  7. 中文拼音:láo dòng lì zēng zhǎng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. In the longer term, labor force growth in the worst-affected countries could slow by1-2 percentage points.
  2. 从长远看,艾滋病影响最严重的国家劳动力增长(LFG)可能会因此降低1-2个百分点。
  3. As Chinese economy as a whole goes into the industrialization phase with the labor force growth and investment as a major element, the foreign direct investment to promote Chinese economic has gradually shifted from the focus of capital formation, technological progress to the industrial structure upgrading.
  4. 随着我国经济整体迈入劳动力与投资作为主要增长要素的工业化阶段,国际直接投资推动我国经济发展的重心已逐渐从加速资本形成、获得技术进步转移到产业结构升级方面。
  5. Thirdly, in the analysis of relationship between the district migration and economic development which obtains the initial economic development level is the most important factor, followed by the amount of capital investment, again is the labor force growth.
  6. 最后,在地州人口迁移与经济发展的关系分析中,得出初始经济发展水平是影响地州经济发展的最重要因素,其次是资本投入量,再次则为劳动力增长(LFG)量的结论。
  7. Since the Founding of New China, on the one hand, because the production efficiency, rural surplus labor appear drastically increase, on the other hand, the dual economic system leads to long-term supply of rural labor force growth.
  8. 新中国成立以来,一方面,由于生产效率的提高,农村剩余劳动力出现大幅度的增加,另一方面,长期的二元经济体制导致农村劳动力供给过量。
  9. Secondly, the provincial labor force growth factors is little different, they maintain a relatively low growth, indicating that China has changed the way of labor input, and simply increase the quantity of labor can not be good for economic growth.
  10. 其次,各省劳动力要素的增幅区别不大,均保持着较低的增长,表明我国已经改变了劳动力投入的方式,单纯的提高劳动数量已不能很好的拉动经济增长。


英文缩写词 LFG 的含义,不止“Labor Force Growth”一个。




  1. Live Foal Guarantee 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:活马驹保证


  1. LandAmerica Financial Group, Inc. 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:兰德美洲金融集团有限公司
  2. Lost and Found Guy 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:失物招领处
  3. Lincoln Financial Group 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:林肯金融集团
  4. Lifetime Financial Group 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:终身金融集团


  1. Lexical Functional Grammar 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:词汇功能语法


  1. Lupercalia Festival Gathering 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:牧神节聚会


  1. Luminous Flesh Giants 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:发光的肉体巨人


  1. Looking For Group 缩写成 “LFG”. 中文意思是:寻找团队

