
“Service Quality Training”经常缩写成SQT,以便快捷书写、使用。



Service Quality Training : 服务质量培训

Service Quality Training具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SQT
  2. 英语全称: Service Quality Training
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:服务质量培训
  7. 中文拼音:fú wù zhì liàng péi xùn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. To provide an outstanding volunteer service through quality training and incentive programmes to better serve the community.
  2. 透过优质训练和精心的策划,提供卓越的志愿服务,热心服务社群。
  3. China can expand this market by improving the infrastructure, enhancing the service quality, training the talents linguistically proficient in Japanese, developing hot spring tourism and skiing tourism.
  4. 我国可以采取改善旅游基础设施,提高服务质量,培养精通日语的服务人才,开发温泉旅游和滑雪旅游等措施拓展日本客源市场。
  5. Quality is a lifeline of universities and colleges, newly-promoted undergraduate colleges should establish the all-side scientific developing view, overcome the limitation review and innovate constantly, realize sustainable development with the perfect education service quality and personnel training quality.
  6. 质量是高等学校的生命线,新升本科院校应树立全面发展的科学观,克服局限,不断反思和创新,以完善的教育服务质量及人才培养质量保障持续发展。
  7. Conclusions To develop the information construction of community health service requires enhancing the quality training of center directors, promoting them to assimilate the advanced concepts of community health service information construction, improving their comprehensive ability, thereby accelerating the construction and development of community health service information.
  8. 结论开展社区卫生信息化建设,需要加强中心主任素质培训,促进中心主任吸收先进的社区卫生服务理念,不断提高其综合能力,从而加速社区卫生信息化建设与发展。
  9. A Preliminary Probe for the Requirement of Information Service Ability and the Quality Training of the Reference Librarians
  10. 医学图书馆参考馆员的信息服务能力需求与素质培训初探


英文缩写词 SQT 的含义,不止“Service Quality Training”一个。




  1. Scottish Quality Trout 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:苏格兰优质鳟鱼
  2. State Qualifying Tournament 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:州资格赛


  1. Software Quality Training 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:软件质量培训
  2. System Qualification Testing 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:系统鉴定测试


  1. Software Qualification Test 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:软件鉴定测试
  2. SEAL Qualification Training 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:印章资格培训
  3. Skill Qualification Test 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:技能鉴定考试
  4. Software Qualification Testing 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:软件鉴定测试


  1. Square Table 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:方桌
  2. Supports for Quality Teaching 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:质量教学支持
  3. Servant Quarters 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:佣人宿舍


  1. Squat 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:蹲下
  2. Streaming Quote Trader 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:流式报价交易者
  3. Structured Query Translation 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:结构化查询翻译
  4. System Quality Testing 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:系统质量测试
  5. Structured Quality Training 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:结构化质量培训
  6. Service Quality Tool 缩写成 “SQT”. 中文意思是:服务质量工具

