
“Focus on Food Safety”经常缩写成FOFS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Focus on Food Safety具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FOFS
  2. 英语全称: Focus on Food Safety
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:关注食品安全
  7. 中文拼音:guān zhù shí pǐn ān quán
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:食品和营养


  1. The increased focus on food safety comes as companies look for ways of defending the value of their brands as customers switch to cheaper, own-label products to save money as recessions loom in many countries.
  2. 对食品安全关注程度的上升,正值各公司寻求各种方式、以捍卫品牌价值之际。由于许多国家将面临经济衰退,消费者转而购买较为廉价的自有品牌商品,以节省开支。
  3. Under this background, more and more people focus on food safety issues. Compare with urban residents, rural residents pay little attention to the food safety, so And low-quality food gradually flow into rural.
  4. 在此背景下,食品安全问题也日益成为人们关注的热点,相比较城市而言,农村居民的安全意识相对薄弱,从而使得许多假冒产品逐渐向农村倾斜。
  5. This raises the unprecedented attention to food safety issues and also focus on the food safety regulatory bodies.
  6. 这引发了社会各界对食品安全问题的空前关注,同时也将舆论的矛头指向食品安全监管机构。
  7. American " Biological Antiterrorism Law " makes all countries focus on food production safety and national life quality and propels China's food production industry to improve management behavior.
  8. 美国“生物反恐法案”的出台,促使各国对食品生产的安全和对国民生命质量的重视,也促使中国食品生产行业管理行为的改善。
  9. To reach the increasing requirement, food manufacturer and retailer not only need to deliver the easy alterative and cankered food quickly, but also take more focus on food quality, safety, dependability and traceability.
  10. 为了满足这一日益增长的需求,食品生产商和零售商们不仅需要快速地运输易变质和腐烂的食品,同时还需要更加注重食品的质量、安全性、可靠性和可追溯性。


英文缩写词 FOFS 的含义,不止“Focus on Food Safety”一个。




  1. Fund of 缩写成 “FOFS”. 中文意思是:基金


  1. Friends of The Field and Study 缩写成 “FOFS”. 中文意思是:学界之友

