
“State Road and”经常缩写成SRTA,以便快捷书写、使用。



State Road and : 国道和

State Road and具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:SRTA
  2. 英语全称: State Road and
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:国道和
  7. 中文拼音:guó dào hé
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. The company is located at Nancheng District of Dongguan city, adjacent to G107 State Road and(SRTA) Shigu Exit of Guang-shen Expressway, which connects Guangzhou in the north and Hong Kong in the south.
  2. 公司位于东莞市南城区,靠近G107国道和(SRTA)广深高速东莞城区石鼓出口,北通广州,南抵深圳香港,交通十分方便。
  3. The transportation near it is very convenient, whose east is Xinchang Railway and No.204 State Road, south is No.324 State Road and(SRTA) west is Yanjing Expressway.
  4. 它东靠新长铁路和204国道,南邻324国道,西毗盐靖高速公路,交通十分便捷。
  5. Beijing-Shijiazhuang Expressway, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, 107 State Road and(SRTA) Baoheng, security and new security Wiratchant provincial highways, such as a number of cross-cutting throughout.
  6. 京石高速公路、京广铁路、107国道及保衡、保新、保沧等多条省级公路贯穿全境。
  7. Accurate statistics are crucial for understanding the state of road safety and measuring the impact of efforts to improve it.
  8. 准确的统计数据对于了解道路安全状况以及衡量道路安全改进工作具有的影响至关重要。
  9. A video surveillance system for real-time traffic surveillance is designed to acquire the state of road network and present the global traffic control information in the paper.
  10. 本文设计了一套视频监控系统用于实时交通监控,采集交通路况信息,为整体交通控制提供信息。


英文缩写词 SRTA 的含义,不止“State Road and”一个。




  1. Sea Railway Travellers Association 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:海上铁路旅客协会
  2. Service Replacement Transmission Assembly 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:维修更换变速器总成


  1. Southern Regional Testing Agency 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:南方地区检测机构
  2. Southeastern Regional Transit Authority 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:东南地区交通管理局


  1. State Road And Tollway Authority 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:国家公路和收费公路管理局
  2. Short Range Training Ammunition 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:近程练习弹
  3. Shasta Regional Transportation Agency 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:沙斯塔地区运输局
  4. State Road Tollway Authority 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:国家公路收费公路管理局


  1. Student Research Travel Award 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:学生研究旅行奖
  2. Santa Rosa Teachers Association 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:圣罗莎教师协会


  1. Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced 缩写成 “SRTA”. 中文意思是:快速水救援技术员高级

