
“Attitude Heading Reference System”经常缩写成AHRS,以便快捷书写、使用。



Attitude Heading Reference System : 姿态航向参考系统

Attitude Heading Reference System具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:AHRS
  2. 英语全称: Attitude Heading Reference System
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:姿态航向参考系统
  7. 中文拼音:zī tài háng xiàng cān kǎo xì tǒng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Research on Integrated Technique of MTi Micro Inertial Attitude Heading Reference System(AHRS) & GPS
  2. MTi微惯性航姿系统/GPS组合技术研究
  3. An integrated micro attitude heading reference system ( MAHRS ) was researched for micro aerial vehicles ( MAV ) based on the MEMS gyroscopes, accelerometers, and magnetic-sensors.
  4. 研究了基于硅MEMS陀螺、加速度计及磁阻式磁强计组合的微小型飞行器用姿态航向参考系统(AHRS)。
  5. The experiment results show that the design of AHRS research and development platform can greatly speed up the practical AHRS product development progress, which has a strong reference value on embedded attitude heading reference system research and development based on micro inertial navigation.
  6. 结果证明,本文的研究成果能够大大加速实用的嵌入式AHRS产品的研发进度,对基于微惯性组合的嵌入式航姿参考系统的研究和开发具有重要的参考价值。
  7. The navigation computer based on DSP was designed and the small strapdown inertia attitude heading reference system ( AHRS ) with low cost was made up successfully for miniature fields.
  8. 针对微小型应用场合,设计了基于DSP的导航计算机,成功构建了低成本小型捷联航姿系统。
  9. Through the analysis and comparison to the Construction of Attitude Heading Reference System(AHRS), confirmed the Attitude Heading Reference System(AHRS) constructed by the three micro-gyroscope, three micro-mechanical components and triaxial accelerometer magnetometer.
  10. 本文主要的研究内容:1.通过构建对航姿系统的构成方法的分析比较,确定了由三只微机械陀螺、三只微机械加速度计组成和三轴磁强计构成航姿系统。


英文缩写词 AHRS 的含义,不止“Attitude Heading Reference System”一个。




  1. Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:头发修复外科医生协会
  2. Access Home Report Services 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:访问家庭报表服务
  3. Agency Human Resource Services 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:机构人力资源服务


  1. Attitude and Heading Reference System 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:姿态航向参考系
  2. Army Human Resources System 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:陆军人力资源系统
  3. Army Human Resource Systems 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:陆军人力资源系统


  1. Applied Human Rights Seminar 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:应用人权研讨会
  2. Alaska Heritage Resources Survey 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:阿拉斯加遗产资源调查


  1. Attitude and Heading Reference Systems 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:姿态和航向参考系统
  2. Automated Harvest Report System 缩写成 “AHRS”. 中文意思是:自动收获报告系统

