
“Learning From One Another”经常缩写成LFOA,以便快捷书写、使用。



Learning From One Another : 互相学习

Learning From One Another具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:LFOA
  2. 英语全称: Learning From One Another
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:互相学习
  7. 中文拼音:hù xiāng xué xí
  8. 常用领域:社会
  9. 相关:教育


  1. For the learning environment is a relationship in which the educator and the pupil are learning from one another.
  2. 因为教学的环境是建立在师生相互了解学习上的一种关系。
  3. You're three very different strikers – are you learning from one another?
  4. 你们三个类型都不一样,你们互相能学习吗?
  5. Only with both groups taking an open attitude and learning from one another can a truly global business school emerge.
  6. 我想,只有双方都本着开放和学习的态度,才能使我们的学习真正变得国际化,真正成为一个能做到“海纳百川,兼容并蓄”的学府,从而培养出全球商业领袖。
  7. And this work, at its core, is about sharing ideas, about learning from one another and, ultimately, making our countries and our world a better place.
  8. 这项工作的核心是交换看法,相互学习,最终使我们两国及世界变得更加美好。
  9. Only by respecting, tolerating and learning from one another, and by strengthening mutual communications, dialogue and cooperation, can the civilizations in today's world develop themselves properly while making contributions to the progress of entire mankind.
  10. 各种文明只有相互尊重、相互包容、相互取长补短,加强沟通、对话与合作,才能在发展自身的同时,为人类的共同进步作出贡献。


英文缩写词 LFOA 的含义,不止“Learning From One Another”一个。




  1. Lakeshore Football Officials Association 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:湖滨足球官员协会
  2. Lanier Football Officials Association 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:拉尼尔足球官员协会


  1. Avord, S-France 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:阿沃尔,法国


  1. Lawyers for One America 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:一个美国的律师


  1. Lakefront Festival of Art 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:湖畔艺术节
  2. Lakefront Festival of Arts 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:湖畔艺术节
  3. Latvian Forest Owners Association 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:拉脱维亚森林所有者协会
  4. Lakefront Festival of The Arts 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:湖畔艺术节


  1. Last Frame Of Action 缩写成 “LFOA”. 中文意思是:最后一帧动作

