“Kinetic Energy Released”经常缩写成KER,以便快捷书写、使用。
Kinetic Energy Released具体释义
- 英文缩写:KER
- 英语全称: Kinetic Energy Released
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:释放动能
- 中文拼音:shì fàng dòng néng
- 常用领域:机构
- 相关:能源
- The shear power is provided by kinetic energy released from the drive system.
- 剪切轧件所需剪切功由传动系统释放动能(KER)提供,可根据电机起动力矩确定电机功率。
- The formula for kinetic energy released by the earth are derived based on the principle of geodynamics.
- 运用地球动力学原理推导地球释放动能(KER)公式;
- Distribution of the kinetic energy released in Chinese hamster splenetic cells for incident ultrasoft X rays from a poit sours
- 点发射超软X射线在中国仓鼠脾细胞中的比释动能分布
- Besides, another reason of the heavy rain may be that the kinetic energy perturbation is released concentrically in South China.
- 在对大气低频扰动动能的分析中也发现,华南前汛期降水伴随着低频扰动动能在该地区的集中释放。
- When this matter crashes onto the neutron star, 1 / 2mv ^ 2 the kinetic energy that is released is one-half mv squared.
- 中子星上,释放的,动能应该,等于,它转换为热量。
英文缩写词 KER 的含义,不止“Kinetic Energy Released”一个。
- Kentucky Equine Research, Inc. 缩写成 “KER”. 中文意思是:肯塔基州马研究公司
- Kerman, Iran 缩写成 “KER”. 中文意思是:Kerman,伊朗
- Kentucky Equine Research 缩写成 “KER”. 中文意思是:肯塔基州马研究
- Knowledge Engineering Review 缩写成 “KER”. 中文意思是:知识工程评审
- Known Error Resolution 缩写成 “KER”. 中文意思是:已知错误解决方案