“Distance to Zero”经常缩写成DTZ,以便快捷书写、使用。
Distance to Zero具体释义
- 英文缩写:DTZ
- 英语全称: Distance to Zero
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:到零的距离
- 中文拼音:dào líng de jù lí
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- Or when the distance is near to zero, and the Rayleigh distance is farther than the lens focus, the less focalized waist can be obtained.
- 或l接近于零,瑞利距离Z0远大于透镜焦距时,能够获得较小的聚焦束腰。
- It is the distance between atoms corresponding to zero potential energy.
- 这就是相应于势能为零时的原子间距。
- After the main routing protocols RIP, BGP, OSPF, MPLS, etc, are analyzed, a shortest distance algorithm ( predicted displacement reducing to zero algorithm ) in physical sense is put forward.
- 在分析了现有的主流路由协议RIP,BGP,OSPF,MPLS等后,提出了一种物理意义上的最近距离算法(预测位移归零算法)。
- With the raft thickness increases, distance of side friction of long pile come up to zero increases gradually.
- 长桩侧摩阻力为零点距桩顶距离随筏板厚度的增加而增大。
- While further increasing the distance, the rock erosion volume was found to decrease to zero.
- 距离继续增加,射流冲蚀岩石的体积减少直到为零。
英文缩写词 DTZ 的含义,不止“Distance to Zero”一个。
- Dtz Hldgs 缩写成 “DTZ”. 中文意思是:戴德梁行控股
- Drive Time Zone 缩写成 “DTZ”. 中文意思是:驱动时区
- Division Tactical Zone 缩写成 “DTZ”. 中文意思是:师战术区
- Debenham Thouard and Zadelhoff 缩写成 “DTZ”. 中文意思是:德本汉姆·托阿尔和扎德尔霍夫