“Annual Professional”经常缩写成APPR,以便快捷书写、使用。
Annual Professional具体释义
- 英文缩写:APPR
- 英语全称: Annual Professional
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:年度专业人员
- 中文拼音:nián dù zhuān yè rén yuán
- 常用领域:综合
- 相关:未分类的
- China Open is an annual professional tennis tournament held in Beijing, China.
- 中国网球公开赛是每年一度在北京举行的职业网球联赛。
- Microsoft Excel is a powerful professional electronic table software. It can simplify working process to calculate the annual professional report forms of plant protection by using Visual Basic program of Microsoft Excel.
- microsoftexcel是功能强大的专业电子表格处理软件,利用microsoftexcel自带的VisualBasic编写程序,对植保专业统计年度报表进行计算,可简化操作过程。
- Article Seven An unified annual examination of professional qualification of the EIA Engineer with unified outline and examination paper is organized in the entire country.
- 第七条环境影响评价工程师职业资格实行全国统一大纲、统一命题、统一组织的考试制度。原则上每年举行1次。
- To establish annual training plan and professional training plan, build and perfect training system and procedure.
- 制定年度培训计划和专项培训计划,建立并不断完善公司培训体系和各项培训流程;
- The annual review is the professional equivalent of the report card.
- 年度审查就相当于是职场人士的成绩单。
英文缩写词 APPR 的含义,不止“Annual Professional”一个。
- Annual Professional Performance Review 缩写成 “APPR”. 中文意思是:年度专业绩效考核
- All Pikes Peak Reads 缩写成 “APPR”. 中文意思是:所有派克峰读数
- Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico 缩写成 “APPR”. 中文意思是:波多黎各心理协会
- Average Private Pay Rate 缩写成 “APPR”. 中文意思是:平均私人薪酬