
“Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine”经常缩写成ATCM,以便快捷书写、使用。



Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine : 中医药协会

Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:ATCM
  2. 英语全称: Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:中医药协会
  7. 中文拼音:zhōng yī yào xié huì
  8. 常用领域:医学
  9. 相关:


  1. The China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine(ATCM) says its important to the development of the Chinese medical industry.
  2. 中国中药协会称,它对中药产业的发展很重要。
  3. Fang Shuting, head of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine(ATCM) ( TCM ), said there is a great misunderstanding among the media and the public about the process of extracting bear bile.
  4. 中国中药协会会长房书亭表示,媒体和工作对活熊取胆的过程有相当大的误解。
  5. Association of traditional Chinese medicine syndromes with mental state and personality characteristics of patients undergoing hemodialysis
  6. 血液透析患者的心理状态及个性特征与中医证候相关性
  7. Fang Shuting with China Association of TCM said : Traditional Chinese medicine owns intellectual property rights and is very competitive in the worlds medical industry.
  8. 中国中药协会的FangShuting称:传统中药拥有知识产权,在世界医药行业非常有竞争力。
  9. Objective : According to the theory of association of activity and inertia of traditional Chinese medicine for fractures, and the theory of modern biomechanics, material engineering, the orthopedic shoes were designed on calcaneal fractures which accord with the biomechanical principle.
  10. 目的:根据传统中医治疗骨折的动静结合原则,结合现代生物力学、材料工程学理论,设计符合生物力学原理的跟骨骨折足矫形鞋。


英文缩写词 ATCM 的含义,不止“Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine”一个。




  1. Association of Town Centre Management 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:城镇中心管理协会
  2. Art Theory Criticism and Management 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:艺术理论批评与管理
  3. Aeronautical Time Cycle Management 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:航空时间周期管理
  4. Association of Town Center Management 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:镇中心管理协会
  5. Active Treatment Crisis Management 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:积极治疗危机管理


  1. Akademie für Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:中国中医科学院


  1. Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:亚洲数学技术会议


  1. Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:南极条约协商会议
  2. Antarctic Treaty Consultative 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:南极条约协商
  3. Airborne Toxic Control Measures 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:空气中毒控制措施
  4. Airborne Toxic Control Measure 缩写成 “ATCM”. 中文意思是:空气中毒控制措施

