
“First Quality Products”经常缩写成FQP,以便快捷书写、使用。



First Quality Products具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FQP
  2. 英语全称: First Quality Products
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:质量第一的产品
  7. 中文拼音:zhì liàng dì yī de chǎn pǐn
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Under the process conditions of suitable temperature, pH value and auxiliary dosage, nylon fabric dyeing on jet dyeing machine can obtain ideal effect and the ratio of first quality products can reach more than 86 %.
  2. 尼龙织物选用喷射染色机染色,只要选择适宜的温度、pH值、助剂用量等工艺条件,并加强操作培训,染色一等品率达86%以上。
  3. The company will stick to corporate aim of " Technical innovation and endless perfection ", and provide users with first class quality products and superior services whole-heartedly.
  4. 申东企业将本着科技创新、益求精的宗旨,竭诚为用户提供一流的产品、质的服务。
  5. The first is quality of products liability and product liability comparison by comparing the conclusion : product quality, product liability responsibility is with the concept of including a comprehensive concept, product liability is the responsibility of product quality, one of the elements.
  6. 首先是产品质量责任与产品责任的比较,通过比较得出结论:产品质量责任是包含产品责任概念在内的一个综合的概念,产品责任是产品质量责任的内容之一。
  7. The color TV of this Brand ranks first in quality among similar products.
  8. 这种牌子的彩电质量居同类产品之首。
  9. Obeying belief of " Quality First ", this company supplies high quality products with perfect quality system.
  10. 公司以完善的质量体系,遵守“质量第一”的信奉,为客户提供优质产品。


英文缩写词 FQP 的含义,不止“First Quality Products”一个。




  1. Formal Quality Program 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:正式质量计划
  2. Federation Quebecoise de Philatelie 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:魁北克集邮联合会


  1. Forum Qualitätspflaster Pflaster 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:论坛优质石膏膏药


  1. Florida QSO Party 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:佛罗里达州QSO聚会
  2. Freight Quality Partnership 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:货运质量合作伙伴关系
  3. Federated Query Processor 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:联合查询处理器
  4. Fully Qualified Path 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:完全限定路径
  5. Freight quality partnerships 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:货运质量合作伙伴关系
  6. Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche 缩写成 “FQP”. 中文意思是:哲学与公共问题

