“Top-level Domains”经常缩写成TLDs,以便快捷书写、使用。
Top-level Domains具体释义
- 英文缩写:TLDs
- 英语全称: Top-level Domains
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:顶级域
- 中文拼音:dǐng jí yù
- 常用领域:互联网
- 相关:域名
- The most common of what are called generic top-level domains are dot-com, dot-net and dot-org.
- 最常见的通用顶级域(TLDs)名有.com,.net和.org。
- ICANN says it will approve no more than one thousand new generic top-level domains each year.
- ICANN表示,每年将审批不超过一万个新的通用顶级域(TLDs)名。
- In general, there are two types of top-level domains : the old-style organizational domain ( as in these two examples ) and the newer geographical domains.
- 一般来讲,有两种类型的最高级域名:较老式的机构性域名和较新式的地理位置域名。
- Next spring the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers the agency that runs the web's day-to-day operations plans to allow a dramatic expansion of the 268 top-level domains, or everything after the dot.
- 明年春天,管理网络日常运行的机构互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(Icann)计划允许顶级域(TLDs)名猛增至268个,或者说点后面可以加任何东西。
- Perhaps more worrying, further research shows CAs are also issuing certificates for words involving non-real top-level domains ( TLDs ).
- 也许更令人担忧的,进一步的研究表明核证机关也签发证书涉及非话-真正的顶-级域(TLD)。