
“Back to the Woods”经常缩写成BTTW,以便快捷书写、使用。



Back to the Woods : 回到树林里

Back to the Woods具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:BTTW
  2. 英语全称: Back to the Woods
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:回到树林里
  7. 中文拼音:huí dào shù lín lǐ
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Then all the birds flew back to the woods obediently.
  2. 于是鸟儿们都很听话地飞回林中去了。
  3. Come back to the woods, it's safer.
  4. 回到树林里(BTTW),那里安全。
  5. The poor man took the old hand mill, which was a little thing not half so large as the ham, and went back to the woods.
  6. 弟弟拿起手磨返回了森林,手磨还没有火腿的一半大呢。
  7. I grew up in the woods, everyday in the woods, so I really want to get back to running in the woods.
  8. 我在林间长大,每天都泡在树林里,所以我很想回到森林中继续跑。
  9. Exchange intervention is not a newly invented instrument to manipulate the exchange rate, because it has been an important approach to balance the gold prices in a majority of the countries dating back to the time of Bretton Woods system.
  10. 外汇干预并不是现在才有的汇率政策工具,至少在布雷顿森林体系时代,就已经被作为维持各国金平价的重要工具。


英文缩写词 BTTW 的含义,不止“Back to the Woods”一个。




  1. 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:backtothewood.com网站


  1. Break Through The Wall 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:突破墙壁


  1. Bricks To The World 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:砖头世界
  2. Big Ticket To Wealth 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:致富大计


  1. Back to the Well 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:回到井里
  2. Bigger Than The Widget 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:比小部件大
  3. Back to the Wedding 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:回到婚礼上
  4. Born to the Wind 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:生在风中
  5. Breaking Through the Wall 缩写成 “BTTW”. 中文意思是:穿墙

