
“Typical Weather Year”经常缩写成TWY,以便快捷书写、使用。



Typical Weather Year : 典型气象年

Typical Weather Year具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:TWY
  2. 英语全称: Typical Weather Year
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:典型气象年
  7. 中文拼音:diǎn xíng qì xiàng nián
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Study on Typical Weather Year(TWY) Data of Main Cities in China
  2. 中国主要城市标准年气象数据的研究
  3. In my thesis, I set up a small weather data base according to analysis and simulation of weather data of typical weather year in Tianjin which is based on about 20 years ' weather data.
  4. 本课题通过对以天津地区近二十年的气象资料为依据的天津地区典型气象年(TWY)气象资料的分析以及拟合,建立了一个小型气象资料数据库。
  5. Based on the measuring data of typical weather year in Shenzhen, the outdoors air-conditioning design parameters were calculated according to the calculation method of air-conditioning design standards, and compared with the known design parameters in Hongkong and Guangzhou.
  6. 通过整理深圳市典型气象年(TWY)的实测数据,依据空调设计规范提供的计算方法,得出深圳市的室外空调设计参数,与已知的香港和广州的室外空调设计参数比较。
  7. Selections of typical meteorological year and example weather year and their effects on building energy consumption
  8. 典型气象年(TWY)和典型代表年的选择及其对建筑能耗的影响
  9. For the sake of selection of typical meteorological year ( TMY ), provides an application model which divides solar radiation into direct solar radiation and sky radiation. Based on the local meteorological data, selects TMY and example weather year ( EWY ) of Hong Kong.
  10. 介绍了将太阳辐射总量分为太阳直射辐射量与太阳散射辐射量的应用模型,并依据香港的气象数据,分别计算选出了香港的典型气象年(TWY)与典型代表年。


英文缩写词 TWY 的含义,不止“Typical Weather Year”一个。




  1. The Wonder Years! 缩写成 “TWY”. 中文意思是:神奇的岁月!


  1. Tawa, Papua New Guinea 缩写成 “TWY”. 中文意思是:巴布亚新几内亚塔瓦


  1. The Wonder Years 缩写成 “TWY”. 中文意思是:奇迹年代
  2. Tomorrow Was Yesterday 缩写成 “TWY”. 中文意思是:明天是昨天
  3. Tiptoe Walking Yoshimura 缩写成 “TWY”. 中文意思是:踮起脚尖走路的吉村
  4. the wonder 缩写成 “TWY”. 中文意思是:奇迹

