
“Customer Information Quality”经常缩写成CIQ,以便快捷书写、使用。



Customer Information Quality : 客户信息质量

Customer Information Quality具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:CIQ
  2. 英语全称: Customer Information Quality
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:客户信息质量
  7. 中文拼音:kè hù xìn xī zhì liàng
  8. 常用领域:综合
  9. 相关:未分类的


  1. Therefore, the customer number and information content received by quality inspection department will increase, and this information has certain changes.
  2. 因此,质检部门接待的客户数量和信息量随着增多,且这些信息存在着一定的变化。
  3. Providing customer information management, organization management, performance management, service quality management, workflow management, work time arrangement, voice record monitor, repository, report form statistic and so on.
  4. 具备客户信息管理、机构管理、绩效管理、服务质量管理、流程管理、排班、录音监听、知识库、报表统计等诸多管理功能。
  5. During using QFD ( Quality Function Deployment ) to make decision on product planning, it is the ultimate aim to make technical features of product maximally satisfying customer requirements to guide the product development based on the information offered by HoQ ( House of Quality ).
  6. 利用QFD(Qualityfunctiondeployment)进行产品规划决策时,根据已建立的质量屋中的信息,帮助设计人员确定满足顾客需求的技术特征目标值,用于指导新产品开发,是质量屋决策的最终目标。
  7. A case study shows that ACIA mode improves the quality of customer information and customer's involvement in designing products. This work is an effort to improve the capability to acquire high quality customer information in network environment.
  8. 实例表明,客户信息主动获取模式提高了客户信息获取质量,有利于产品制造的客户参与,是一个多方互动的客户信息获取模式。
  9. It needs to enhance its customer marketing information management and pays more attention to maintain and develop customer relationships. In such market environment, for enterprises, enhancing the quality of service has become an important way to improve customers ' satisfaction and expand market share.
  10. 加强客户营销信息的管理,重视客户关系的维护,提高整体营销能力,提升服务水平成为企业提高客户满意度、扩大市场份额的重要手段之一。


英文缩写词 CIQ 的含义,不止“Customer Information Quality”一个。




  1. Car Insurance Quote 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:汽车保险报价
  2. Canadian High Income Equity Fund 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:加拿大高收入股票基金


  1. Chiquimula, Guatemala 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:危地马拉奇基穆拉


  1. Customs Immigration and Quarantine 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:海关出入境检疫


  1. Cultural Industries Quarter 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:文化产业区
  2. Community Integration Questionnaire 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:社区融入调查问卷


  1. China In Question 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:中国问题
  2. Customs Immigration Quarantine 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:海关出入境检疫
  3. Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:魁北克省跨专业委员会
  4. Conflict of Interest Questionnaire 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:利益冲突调查问卷
  5. Camano Island Quilters 缩写成 “CIQ”. 中文意思是:卡马诺岛棉被

