
“Voice Over Internet”经常缩写成VOI,以便快捷书写、使用。



Voice Over Internet具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:VOI
  2. 英语全称: Voice Over Internet
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:互联网语音
  7. 中文拼音:hù lián wǎng yǔ yīn
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:


  1. It consists of services like Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP ) and Unified Communications, including instant messaging, video conferencing, and interactive white boards.
  2. 它由IP语音(VoiceOverInternetProtocol,VoIP)和统一通信等服务组成,包括即时消息、视频会议和交互式白板。
  3. Both new and current users of SL needed to download and install a new viewer to enable the private Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP ) feature, and VoIP itself was prone to glitches.
  4. 无论是SL的新用户还是当前用户,他们都需要下载并安装一个新的查看器以支持这个私有VoiceOverInternetProtocol(VoIP)特性,而VoIP本身则容易出现小故障。
  5. The launch of new IPTV services provides telecoms companies with the opportunity to hit back at cable companies that are using their own broadband internet pipes to offer high-speed internet access and voice telephony based on VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) technology.
  6. 新型IPTV业务的推出为电信公司提供了反击有线电视公司的机会。这些有线电视公司运用它们自己的宽带网络线路提供高速上网服务,和以VoIP(语音网关)技术为基础的语音电话服务。
  7. SIP-based multimedia signaling protocols of the voice and video communications have been widely used. VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) service is one of the important services.
  8. 基于SIP的多媒体信令协议的语音和视频通信也得到了广泛应用.VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol)业务就是其中的一类重要的业务。
  9. With the development of Networks and telecommunications, VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) is becoming one of the key operations in NGN ( Next Generation Network ) technology.
  10. 网络和通信技术的发展,使VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol)成为以软交换为核心的NGN(NextGenerationNetwork下一代网络)技术中的重点业务。


英文缩写词 VOI 的含义,不止“Voice Over Internet”一个。




  1. Viper Owners Invitational 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:毒蛇业主邀请赛


  1. Victim Outreach Inc 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:受害者外联公司


  1. Voinjama, Liberia 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:利比里亚,沃因扎马
  2. Voice of Islam 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:回教之声


  1. Volume of Interactions 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:互动量


  1. Verification Of Income 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:收入的核实


  1. Volume Of Interest 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:利息数额
  2. Voice of India 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:印度之声
  3. Venus Orbit Insertion 缩写成 “VOI”. 中文意思是:金星轨道插入

