
“F*** With Me”经常缩写成FWM,以便快捷书写、使用。



F*** With Me : 和我在一起

F*** With Me具体释义

  1. 英文缩写:FWM
  2. 英语全称: F*** With Me
  3. 英语发音:
  4. 美式英语发音:
  5. 英式英语发音:
  6. 中文意思:和我在一起
  7. 中文拼音:hé wǒ zài yī qǐ
  8. 常用领域:互联网
  9. 相关:聊天


  1. Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, ' See me after class.
  2. 两天后他拿回了报告,第一页上打了一个又红又大的F,旁边还写了一行字:下课后来见我。
  3. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read, ' See me after class. '
  4. 在第一页上,有一个大大的红色F,并带有一条批注:‘课后来见我。’
  5. On a scrap of paper he drew a staff with the notes E and F. He showed me where to put my fingers on the neck and how to draw the bow.
  6. 他在一张纸上画出五线谱,标上E和F两个音调符。他向我示范手指应放在琴颈的什么部位,怎样运弓。
  7. The metallographic studies have indicated that the bonding phase of the WC-13 % Fe / Co / Ni alloy with addition of small A1 is mainly of γ phase and lath martensite with partial existense of α + ( Fe, Me ) _3C lamellar structure.
  8. 金相研究表明,添加A1的WC-13%Fe/Co/Ni合金中的粘结相主要是γ相和板条马氏体,局部有α+(F,Me)_3C的片层状组织存在。
  9. My father always hits the roof when I come home with an " F ", but he never does anything to help me or even give me some advice.
  10. 每当我得了个“F”回家时,父亲总是暴跳如雷,但是他从不帮助我,也不给我任何忠告。


英文缩写词 FWM 的含义,不止“F*** With Me”一个。




  1. Fine With Me 缩写成 “FWM”. 中文意思是:我很好


  1. Far West Mining, LTD. (de-listed) 缩写成 “FWM”. 中文意思是:远西矿业有限公司(减列)


  1. Fort William, Scotland 缩写成 “FWM”. 中文意思是:苏格兰威廉堡


  1. Fat White Man 缩写成 “FWM”. 中文意思是:Fat White人


  1. Fabric Workshop and Museum 缩写成 “FWM”. 中文意思是:织物车间和博物馆


  1. Free Wheelchair Mission 缩写成 “FWM”. 中文意思是:免费轮椅任务

