“Lung Cancer Death Rate”经常缩写成LCDR,以便快捷书写、使用。
Lung Cancer Death Rate具体释义
- 英文缩写:LCDR
- 英语全称: Lung Cancer Death Rate
- 英语发音:
- 美式英语发音:
- 英式英语发音:
- 中文意思:肺癌死亡率
- 中文拼音:fèi ái sǐ wáng lǜ
- 常用领域:医学
- 相关:癌症
- The continuing success of national anti-smoking campaigns is helping to reduce the lung cancer death rate among men and appears to hae halted a recent rise in the lung cancer rate among women.
- 国家戒烟运动的持续成功帮助了男性肺癌死亡率(LCDR)的下降,而且还阻止了最近女性肺癌发生率的上升。
- A Preliminary Analysis of Trends of Lung Cancer Death Rate(LCDR) in Guangzhou China
- 广州市居民肺癌死亡趋势的初步分析
- Lung cancer is one of the most common malignant tumor. For half a century the incidence of the primary lung cancer and the death rate have obviously risen in many countries and areas in the world.
- 肺癌是我国最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,半个世纪以来原发性肺癌发病率和死亡率在世界许多国家及地区都显著上升。
- The increase of deaths caused by these diseases were contributed to the non-demographic factors including 63 % of the increase on lung cancer and 88 % of increase on death rate of traffic accidents.
- 特别是肺癌,非人口因素的作用达到63%,交通伤害死亡率上升,88%与非人口因素有关。
- Great efforts were made to detect and diagnose early stage lung cancer with portable and efficient apparatus as it is reported that the death rate of lung cancer keeps rising during these years.
- 近年来肺癌导致的死亡病例数目逐年上升,有报道称其已经成为全球肿瘤患者死亡的首要原因,因此能找到一种便利有效的肺癌早期诊断删查手段对于此类病人的治疗是十分有意义的。
英文缩写词 LCDR 的含义,不止“Lung Cancer Death Rate”一个。
- Lieutenant Commander 缩写成 “LCDR”. 中文意思是:中校
- Lutheran Church of Dell Rapids 缩写成 “LCDR”. 中文意思是:戴尔拉皮兹路德教会